This Four Loko Fleshlight Is A Very Real Thing You Can Buy On The Internet For $69 Right Now

Photo credit: Fleshlight
Photo credit: Fleshlight

From Delish

Today in very real internet news you may or may not have been expecting: A fleshlight in the shape of a Four Loko can is going viral. The product is actually a collaboration between Fleshlight and Four Loko and you can buy it on the former's site right now.

For all those who are still with me (no judgment) (truly!), the sex toy company is calling the Pizzaslime-made item "Sex in a Can" and is encouraging you to "pound one." From there, their justification for the existence of this is as follows:

During an idle moment you've probably thought to yourself, "Wouldn't it be cool if I could have sex with a Four Loko?" ... now you can (if you have a penis) ... Inspired by the spirit of Steve Jobs and Leonardo Da Vinci, Pizzaslime orchestrated a fusion of the two legendary brands that are Four Loko and Fleshlight. The result is an innovative and cutting edge sexual experience. In short, YOU ARE WELCOME WORLD.

As far as further details on the product, it's described as perfect for first-time users, as it features "a textured canal with several 'waves' spaced throughout the canal." Those "waves" vary in diameter from ½' to ¾'.

Clearly, they are expecting extremely high demand for Sex in a Can (see? No one is judging!) and have specified that it'll be a limited-time-only-type deal. So if you saw this marriage and thought "yeah, I'd fuck with that," you should probably head over to Fleshlight and buy one (for $69) (nice) now.

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