Found: The Perfect Hinge Prompts That Will *Actually* Score You Some Dates

Found: The Perfect Hinge Prompts That Will *Actually* Score You Some Dates

As all dating app pros know, swiping right is only half the battle. Curating the perfect profile—one that strikes just the right balance between authentic and amusing—takes a certain strategy. (One that they didn’t, but maybe should have, taught in your college communications class.) You want to come off as interested, but never desperate; your profile should be a window into your personality, but maintain mystery; you’ve got to act cool, but never intimidating. Blah, blah, blah.

Dating apps, like Hinge, are full of so many daters, which can make it difficult to get so much as a simple response—even once you’ve already matched. Profile prompts are your chance to intrigue the person into a chat, and hopefully later, a date—based on something that isn’t entirely superficial.

“Prompts are important because they serve as conversation starters and give you a glimpse into the other person’s interests, values, and experiences,” says Dr. Becky Spelman, a U.K.-based psychologist and founder of Private Therapy Clinic. “They help break the ice and encourage deeper conversations beyond surface-level small talk.”

Now how, exactly, can you write an enticing Hinge prompt that leads somewhere other than an digital landfill of old matches? Women's Health tapped two relationship experts to choose the dating app prompts that will actually lead to some solid conversations—and even some successful dates.

Meet the Experts:
Dr. Becky Spelman is a U.K.-based psychologist and founder of Private Therapy Clinic.

Cat Hoggard Wagley, LMHCA, is an Indiana-based mental health counselor who specializes in relationships.

“Remember that you are enough, and the more truthful you are about that on your app in a kind way, the more likely you are to attract your people,” says Cat Hoggard Wagley, LMHCA, an Indiana-based mental health counselor who specializes in relationships. Hoggard Wagley also recommends staying positive in your profile, and focusing on what you like (as opposed to your pet peeves and dislikes).

Here’s how to master this art, so you don’t end up with the reputation as that guy who’s “competitive about…everything.” Ahead, 18 Hinge prompts (and answers) that will actually get you somewhere:

1. This year, I really want to...

This is a great way to show someone what you enjoy doing, or maybe share some of your larger, long-term goals. “It indicates that you have hobbies and interests outside of relationships,” says Hoggard Wagley. It also “invites the other person to respect and understand that part of you.”

You can use this prompt to spark some witty banter, or list out more serious aspirations for a deeper potential chat.

What you can say:

  • Travel to Japan.

  • Learn how to cook something *other* than Kraft Mac and Cheese.

  • Get Lasik surgery ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2. I recently discovered that...

This is your opportunity to share something you just learned about yourself or the world, Hoggard Wagley says. “This can demonstrate that you are a lifelong learner,” she explains. “Whether it’s something you learned through self discovery or reflection, or if it’s a hobby or special interest, it helps a prospective partner see your willingness to grow and be excited about life.”

It could also be an opportunity to start a lighter, more humorous conversation, she adds: For example, maybe you only just learned that diesel fuel is definitely not the right gas for a car—even if you were confused because the pump handle was green and you thought that meant, go ahead, use this gas! (Not that I’m speaking from personal experience or anything.) Funny anecdotes make it easy for the other person to strike up a conversation because it opens the door for them to share a silly new realization, too.

What you can say:

  • I’m a great date!

  • Hangovers last two days over the age of 25.

  • You think I’m hot. ;)

3. I'm looking for...

Choosing this prompt (and filling in the blank accordingly) is effective if you’re hoping to connect on a more serious level. Spelman suggests avoiding more generic prompts (like the trite “I know the best spot in town for: pizza”) and selecting ones “that encourage deeper conversations.” This prompt can also serve as your opportunity to share something you need in a relationship—be it your desire for an open relationship or a partner that’s vegetarian like you (*shrugs*).

What you can say:

4. A shower thought I recently had...

On the flip side, not every prompt needs to be that thought-provoking. Lean into your humor, too—although Spelman warns to do so wisely. “A well-placed humorous prompt can help break the ice and set a light-hearted tone,” she says. “However, avoid relying solely on humor as it may overshadow your genuine qualities.” The solution? Choose a balance of funny and thoughtful prompts that will lead your match to a deeper understanding of who you are.

What you can say:

  • Damn, this is hot.

  • This would be so much better as a bubble bath.

  • I wish I had a Tropicália beer right now.

5. My typical Sunday...

This prompt gives the other person a glimpse into the slower moments of your life. Do you spend your Sundays watching football on the couch, or hitting up the gym to sweat out the tequila from your Saturday night?

“When you’re looking for a partner, usually one would hope to find someone with a similar lifestyle or interests,” Hoggard Wagley says. “If you put that you like to read, play video games, or go on a run, you’ll likely attract people hoping to do the same with you.” Makes sense, right?

What you can say:

  • Work out and grocery shop for the week ahead!

  • I’m all about the Sunday Funday vibe—boozy brunch is the move.

  • Wishing I could get Chick-fil-A.

6. The best way to ask me out is by...

If you’re all about skipping the small talk and going on a date IRL, this is the perfect prompt for your profile. It’s basically a cheat sheet for your matches to slide into those DMs. “This is the spot to instruct them on your expectations [for a first date],” Hoggard Wagley adds.

What you can say:

  • By just asking me.

  • Taking me out for charcuterie and wine.

  • Ditching small talk about our weekends and inviting me to dinner.

7. My best travel story...

This prompt offers the perfect excuse for a swiper to ask for more deets about your life and experiences. Share a fun tidbit here, but don’t give it all away. Leave them wanting more—whether it transitions naturally into a virtual chat or a story you can eventually share on your first date. Spelman calls this a “conversation hook,” which can “make it easier for others to start a conversation with you,” she says.

What you can say:

  • That time I spent 24 hours in a jail abroad.

  • When I got locked out of my hostel and lived to tell the tale.

  • That time I missed my flight in Turkey…

8. One thing I'll never do again...

This little prompt can actually reveal a lot about your present, your past, and what you want in the future. “This is an opportunity to show interested parties something that is absolutely beyond your scope of interest now, which can teach them a lot about who you used to be, and who you are now,” Hoggard Wagley says.

What you can say:

9. You should not go out with me if...

This prompt can be funny, while also subtly revealing something about yourself that may be a dealbreaker or important for the other person to know in a potential relationship. “This is another way of sharing values, interests, and boundaries,” Hoggard Wagley adds.

What you can say:

  • You run 5ks on Thanksgiving.

  • You’re allergic to dogs.

  • You talk during movies.

10. Something that's non-negotiable for me is...

It’s important to set your boundaries and expectations from the jump. Like the previous prompt, this works to do just that and wards off anyone who just isn’t compatible. It’s also another chance for you to lean into authenticity. “Be true to yourself and showcase your genuine interests, values, and personality,” Spelman says.

Hoggard Wagley echoes this sentiment: “It wards off anyone who doesn’t mesh with you. The key to these prompts is to help people not waste your time, and to not waste theirs.” Noted!

What you can say:

  • Having kids.

  • Staying in at least one night every weekend.

  • Traveling the world. Let’s do it together!

11. I bet you can't...

Want to trick them into asking you out? This is another way to do it. “Use this one to ‘dare’ them to ask you out exactly how you want to be asked,” Hoggard Wagley says. “I personally don’t like the other ‘let’s chat about’ prompts, because they encourage too much in-app talking, which isn’t productive.”

What you can say…

  • Take me out to a baseball game.

  • Get me to go on a date with you.

  • Cook a better meal than I can.

12. My most controversial opinion is...

This allows you to reveal your niche thoughts and staunch beliefs, and possibly find common ground with someone. It can also potentially ward you away from someone who disagrees with you, whether it’s about something petty or something pretty important.“People are always telling on themselves [on apps],” Hoggard Wagley adds. “Let them.”

What you can say:

  • Coffee is overrated.

  • I’d rather have a 365-day winter than suffer through a year-long summer.

  • Reproductive rights are human rights.

13. I'm weirdly attracted to...

Spelman suggests keeping your answers clear and concise, and you can do just that here. “Avoid overwhelming readers with long paragraphs. Focus on concise and engaging prompts that capture attention,” she says. “Remember, the goal is to pique interest and initiate conversations.”

What you can say:

  • People with dogs.

  • Anyone that can make me laugh so hard my margarita comes out my nose.

  • Guys that take me on brewery dates.

14. My self-care routine is...

Like the “typical Sunday” prompt, this opens up the conversation to share what's important to you and may even lead to a connection with someone that shares similar self-care activities. And if you’re someone who prioritizes self-care and alone time, you might not want a partner who can’t quite relate. “People who know how to self-soothe are setting themselves up for success, and they typically want partners who can do the same,” says Hoggard Wagley.

What you can say:

  • Drinking a bottle of wine while watching trashy television.

  • Doing absolutely nothing at home.

  • Going on a long walk or working out.

15. The key to my heart is...

You can go the serious route here, or you can use it as a way to encourage a date. “To prompt a date out of a conversation, you can use prompts that hint at shared activities or interests,” says Hoggard Wagley.

What you can say:

  • Someone that gets my dry humor.

  • Omakase dates.

  • Skipping the small talk and just asking me out.

16. You should leave a comment if...

Surprise! This is just another excuse for you to find someone with the same shared interests. To write something that will evoke a response you need to be “specific, open-ended, and show genuine interest in the other person’s experiences and opinions,” Spelman says. “Including a personal touch or sharing an anecdote related to the prompt can make it more engaging.”

What you can say:

  • You play tennis…and think you can actually beat me.

  • You also want to get martinis on Friday night.

  • You’re obsessed with working out.

17. My simple pleasures...

This one is relatively easy to answer, can be concise, and is perfect for making a personal connection. “Instead of merely listing your interests, hobbies, or qualities, try to illustrate them through anecdotes or stories,” Spelman says. “This helps potential matches get a better sense of who you are and provides them with conversation starters.”

What you can say:

  • A long weekend at the beach followed by sandwiches at my favorite breakfast spot.

  • Easy, witty conversations over my favorite bottle of wine.

  • A good dinner with good company.

18. One thing I'd like to know about you is...

This helps you get to know the other person and also provides an easy opening for them to message you first. This could be something as simple as a question about their favorite food, or lead to a deeper conversation about what they’re looking for in a relationship. Spelman emphasizes that, whenever possible, you should lean into an “open-ended question” somewhere in your profile.

What you can say:

  • Whether you prefer going out or staying in.

  • How you feel about ethical non-monogamy.

  • Your favorite way to pass the time during a car ride.

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