Fortnite Leak Reveals Peter Griffin, Solid Snake In New Battle Pass


There are no surprises in Fortnite anymore - everything leaks.

And so here we are, patiently waiting for an Eminem concert and the end of Fortnite OG this weekend, staring at the leaked Battle Pass for Season 5, which begins on Saturday December 2.

What’s in that Battle Pass? Skins for Family Guy idiot Peter Griffin and Metal Gear Solid spy Solid Snake. How did we get here?

Let’s backtrack a little. Fortnite OG is about to come to a close. This has been a short season where players saw the return of unvaulted items such as the Pump Shotgun, vehicles and other stuff, as well as a blend of mashed-up skins. Everyone liked it, so much so that it pulled in record numbers of players.

But it all comes to an end this weekend. On Saturday Dec 2 there’s going to be a live concert by none-other than rap god Eminem. You can buy his skins in-game now, which include a cute Mom’s Spaghetti back bling.

Following the concert is the big live event, the Season 4 finale, which is no doubt going to cause a whole load of upheaval. As well as an entirely new map, we’re expecting a Lego mode, rhythm action mode, and of course a new Battle Pass. Which brings us back to the headline. You're going to see a whole load of Peter Griffins and Solid Snakes, running around Fortnite’s new island.