Former Presidents and Political Leaders React to Joe Biden's Presidential Win

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Photo credit: Alex Wong - Getty Images
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After an extended vote-counting process, the 2020 presidential election results are finally in: Joe Biden will be the next President of the United States. Given the increase in early voting and voting by mail, the ballots took longer than usual to process. Now, we finally have the official breakdown, and political figures are taking to social media to express their opinions on the election's outcome.

Former presidents of the President-elect's party showed their support for Biden. President Barack Obama released a long statement, commending his old friend and former Vice President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on their victory. "Our democracy needs us all now more than ever," he said. "And Michelle and I look forward to supporting our next President and First Lady however we can."

Former President Bill Clinton, too, tweeted about the Biden-Harris win and expressed gratitude for the unity the pair championed throughout their campaign. "Now we have a President-Elect and Vice President-Elect who will serve all of us and bring us all together," he said.

Keeping with former Presidents, President Jimmy Carter, who is now 96 years old, also congratulated the President-elect and Vice President-elect. "We are proud of their well-run campaign and look forward to seeing the positive change they bring to our nation," he said.

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party's previous nominee, also tweeted her support for President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. Referencing this victory, she tweeted, "It's a history-making ticket, a repudiation of Trump, and a new page for America."

Additionally, other major Democratic politicians also showed their support for their party's new leader. Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi were just a few of the Democratic political leaders who commended Biden on his victory. Pelosi, who has already confirmed she will run to continue her tenure as Speaker of the House of Representatives, commended the winning ticket on Twitter.

Cindy McCain, the wife of the late Senator John McCain, played a role in Biden's success in Arizona. The Republican, who fervently supported Biden, expressed her happiness for the former Vice President.

Other Republicans also congratulated Biden on his win, including former Presidential candidate Jeb Bush, the brother of President George W. Bush and son of President George H. W. Bush.

Biden's win is even garnering international recognition. Many major figures across the globe are congratulating the new President-elect on his victory and looking forward to renewed relationships with the United States. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo are two of the international leaders expressing their support. Hidalgo began her tweet, simply, with "Welcome back America!"

It is now officially projected that Biden will become the next President of the United States. As of Saturday morning, the former Vice President won the election with 279 electoral votes and a popular vote of over 74 million.

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