Forget the Alarm! 100 Perfect Saturday Instagram Caption Ideas To Start Your Weekend off Strong

Fill your feed with captions about the very best day of the week.

Saturday is one of the only days of the week when it's possible to not have any formal plans. It is like a bonus day to either do something fun or get caught up on personal projects. Forget about the alarm though! Saturdays are much more carefree. Whatever you plan to do, chances are you want to share your excitement on Instagram. With all of your fun pictures, you may be looking for a great Saturday Instagram caption as well.

Coming up with the perfect caption for your photos can seem a little daunting. After all, you want something unique so that your followers will respond with likes or comments. And, if you have a scroll-stopping photo, you want to keep followers engaged with a fun caption to prompt them.

If you don't exactly have a way with words, you're in luck. We have come up with a list of 100 Instagram captions about Saturday that you can use to go with your pics. Depending on your preference, you will find captions that are short and simple, funny or cute.

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Best Saturday Instagram Captions

1. The best way to start the day is to wake up without an alarm.

2. Saturday is the best day of the week.

3. I jumped awake in a panic only to happily realize it was Saturday.

4. Saturdays are for chillin'.

5. The best day between yesterday and tomorrow is Saturday.

6. Saturday's forecast is chill.

7. I'm not lazy, I'm in energy-saving mode.

8. Saturday is when I exchange my work clothes for play clothes.

9. The best thing about Saturday is everything.

10. Saturday is a reward for all of your hard work.

11. If I take a picture, maybe Saturday will last longer.

12. Finally, some me time!

13. Saturday keeps me smiling.

14. Wish Saturday would never end.

15. Saturday is for rejuvenation.

16. Saturday is for comfy clothes.

17. Messy bun Saturday.

18. It's Saturday. Don't call me, I'll call you.

19. A Saturday is never wasted.

20. Saturday is a day to sleep until you're hungry and eat until you're sleepy.

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Funny Saturday Instagram Captions

21. Saturday is the best memory-making day.

22. Sleeping in day.

23. Sleep Mode: On

24. Breakfast in bed day.

25. The hardest part about Saturday is getting sleep wrinkles.

26. The best Saturday is a day with no plans.

27. Coasting through Saturday.

28. My day to lay back.

29. Mellowing out.

30. Take it easy.

31. Kick back and breathe easy.

32. Catch your breath Saturday.

33. A day to put my feet up.

34. Saturday is for winding down.

35. Going places and doing things.

36. Saturday is like a get-out-of-jail-free card.

37. I love a lazy Saturday.

38. Saturday is for snackin' in the sack.

39. I thought today would never get here.

40. Let's get this party started!

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Saturday Vibes Captions

41. Chill vibes only.

42. Weekend vibes.

43. Saturday is my day to refuel.

44. Each Saturday is a gift that comes with a bow.

45. Free to be me.

46. Simmering down Saturday.

47. Hanging loose.

48. Just going with the flow.

49. Day to let go.

50. Subdued Saturday.

51. Soothing Saturday.

52. Saturday! Just what the doctor ordered.

53. No stress Saturday.

54. A break from reality.

55. Why do Saturdays go so fast?

56. Today's forecast is 90% lazy with a chance of fun.

57. I always have brunch on Saturdays simply because I sleep through breakfast.

58. I wish I could stop time on Saturday.

59. Road trippin' all day.

60. Tomorrow will be a better day - it's Saturday.

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Short Saturday Captions

61. Saturday pajama day!

62. Satur-yay!

63. Good times.

64. Best day ever!

65. Super Saturday!

66. Saturday sweets.

67. Happy Saturday!

68. Friend time.

69. Thankful for Saturday.

70. Saturday sweats.

71. Therapy Saturday.

72. PJs all day.

73. Saturday shopping.

74. Saturday snacks.

75. Lazy day Saturday.

76. Letting loose.

77. Cheers!

78. The great escape.

79. Slow down Saturday.

80. Taking it easy.

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Cute Saturday Instagram Captions

81. Where did Saturday go?

82. Who dares disturb my Saturday?

83. It's Saturday and it's going to be an adventure!

84. Enjoying the day!

85. Lost in a sea of my imagination.

86. On Saturday I make my dreams come true.

87. When life gives you lemons, wait for Saturday.

88. Saturday is when the fun stuff happens.

89. It's Saturday and life is good.

90. All dressed up in sweats and nowhere to go.

91. My phone doesn't work on Saturdays.

92. The definition of happiness is Saturday.

93. There are no bad vibes on Saturday.

94. Saturday, please stay.

95. Let's give a round of applause for Saturday.

96. Congratulations Saturday. You win for the best day.

97. Feeling upbeat for the weekend.

98. If I could turn back time, I would make it stay on Saturday.

99. I feel good!

100. Doing a little Saturday dance.

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