Following Shark Attack and Sighting, Surfing Allowed Again on Kauai

Surfing is permitted again following a “large tiger shark” prowling Kauai.

The sighting came Monday near the surf spot “The Bowl” at Hanalei Bay; there also was a Portuguese Man o’ War jellyfish sighting that day, which closed some beaches, too.

It was just a day after 50-year-old Kauai resident Kevin Kanehe was attacked by a "12 to 15-foot" tiger shark while surfing the same spot at Hanalei Bay. So, beach officials were (appropriately) using extra caution; there was no indication it was the same shark.

Now, officials have reopened the beaches.

Per Kauai Now News:

“Officials from the Kaua‘i Ocean Safety Bureau have announced that the shark warning signs have been lifted at Hanalei Bay on Tuesday, due to the absence of any shark sightings in the past 24 hours.

“However, lifeguards urge beachgoers to exercise caution since hazardous surf and strong rip currents still exist.

“Signs had been posted Monday following a report of a large tiger shark sighted in waters off Hanalei Bay at a surf spot commonly known as ‘the bowl.’”

Previously, the local government had closed the beaches out of precaution.

In a press release, they wrote:

“HANALEI – Ocean Safety Bureau officials are advising no swimming or other ocean activities at Hanalei Bay until further notice due to a shark sighting.

“OSB officials report that a large tiger shark was sighted in waters off Hanalei Bay at a surf spot commonly known as “the bowl” on Monday afternoon. No injuries were reported.

As a safety precaution, OSB officials have posted warning signs and will continue to monitor the area.

“Lifeguards will reassess the area on Tuesday. If there are no other sightings, Hanalei Bay will reopen to ocean activities at noon on Tuesday. Updates will be provided if more information becomes available.”

Now, surfers can paddle back out. But you can guarantee, they’ll be watching with an extra cautious eye as they paddle through the lineup, at The Bowl or anywhere else.


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