Foil Surfers Ride Canada’s Deadliest Whitewater River Wave (Clip)

They call it Skookumchuck, or “Skook” for short.

It’s British Columbia, Canada’s most hectic, deadliest river wave, boasting wave heights near 10-foot, water speeds close to 20 mph, and billions of gallons of rushing river.

So, some foil surfers decided to ride it; watch below:

The clip comes from Lift Foils, a leader in the hydrofoil and e-foil surf space, and features foilers Brian Grubb and Matt Elsasser taking on the Skook.

One commenter on the clip wrote:

“Finally someone foiled Skookumchuck! I always wondered how a tidal bore would go. Wouldn’t like to get sucked into one of those hectic whirlpools though!”

For more information on the wave, here’s the local tourism board:

“Twice daily, nature puts on a show as the tide changes and the flow of saltwater switches, reversing the direction and power of the incredibly turbulent Sechelt Rapids. The difference in water levels between one side of the rapids and the other sometimes exceeds 9 ft in height, with 200 billion gallons of water flowing through the Skookumchuck Narrows connecting Sechelt and Jervis Inlets. The Sechelt Rapids are famous for their spectacular whirlpools and, for their attraction to extreme kayakers and divers. ‘Skook’, as it is affectionately named, is one of the great whitewater wonders of the world, attracting thrill-seekers from across the globe.”

But it’s not all fun and games at the Skook. Back in 2012, two coast guard volunteers died on the river wave when their boat capsized.

"Several people have lost their lives over the years in the rapids," Peter Sly, fire chief of the Egmont and District Volunteer Fire Department, told CBC after the incident.



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