What flowers to plant in September - for autumn blooms and a full spring garden

 Garden with raised beds, steps, arch and trellis
Garden with raised beds, steps, arch and trellis

If you’re looking for the best flowers to plant in September, you’re not alone. So many people are starting to think about adding some colour to their autumn garden or preparing their outside space for a springtime bloom - and now is the perfect time to bring those garden ideas to life.

Yes, this month is an ideal time to add some planting to your list of jobs to do in the garden in September. But we promise you that it’ll be worth it. After all, many plants enter a state of dormancy over the autumn months, but there are some that continue to thrive during this period. What’s more, September is a great time to plant spring bulbs.

To make things easier for you, though, we’ve compiled a list of the best things to sow and grow in September. It’s time to start warming up your green fingers and get cracking.

The best flowers to plant in September

‘September is a great time to plant flowers that thrive in cooler temperatures, with this time of year being the perfect bridge between summer and autumn,’ says Steve Chilton, garden expert from LeisureBench. And without further ado, here are some of our favourites.

1. Pansies

grasses with purple and yellow flowers
grasses with purple and yellow flowers

If you’re a sucker for instant gratification and don’t want to wait until spring to see colourful blooms in your garden, pansies are a great option. If you choose winter varieties and plant them in September, you can guarantee flowers throughout winter and then again in spring.

Don’t worry if you don’t get around to planting your pansies in September, though. These hardy perennials can still be planted in October, but any later than that, and you’re going into dangerous territory.

2. Lupins

Lupins in a garden
Lupins in a garden

We just can’t get enough of lupins at Ideal Home, largely due to the fact that they are perfect for novice gardeners. Not only are they beautiful, but they are fairly easy to grow at home.

In fact, lupins can be grown from a seed anywhere between February and September. You’ll need to do this in a seed tray for the best chance of success, but that leeway in time is perfect for those looking to add some last-minute colour to their garden. And once you have established lupin plants, you can then propagate lupins at home.

4. Red hot poker

You probably don’t need us to tell you why these flowers are called red hot pokers. These colourful and exciting flowers make a statement in any garden, and they even continue to flower during the autumn months. And while it’s common practice to sow these seeds in spring, they can also be sown in September.

By sowing them in September, you can give them an even better chance of establishing themselves before next summer. But it’s best to keep them sheltered - and possibly undercover.

5. Alliums

White alliums in garden with assorted foliage in back garden with brick wall
White alliums in garden with assorted foliage in back garden with brick wall

September is the perfect time to prepare your spring garden, and what spring garden would be complete without alliums? These bulbs are readily available from the garden centre and offer the best blooms when they are planted in the autumn.

If you don’t get around to planting the allium bulbs in September, you have until October to get the job done.

6. Crocuses

Crocus in terracotta bowl
Crocus in terracotta bowl

Offering a beautiful shape and wonderful colour options, crocuses are a welcome addition to any winter garden. And that’s mainly because they thrive in the colder conditions and can often bloom throughout the whole of winter.

It’s best to plant crocus bulbs between September and November, but it’s important to note that their first flower won’t occur until the spring. After that, though, they should flower twice a year - in spring and in winter.

7. English marigold

marigolds flowers garden
marigolds flowers garden

Not to be confused with the very popular washing-up accessory, the English marigold is a beautiful flower that will offer yellow/orange hues to your garden. They’re often used to fill in the gaps in garden borders, and seeds are normally sown in September.

By doing this, you can almost guarantee that your garden will be full of blooming flowers by May next year. Plus, they’re extremely hardy, which means you don’t have to worry about them over the winter months.

8. Daffodils

Window box filled with plants
Window box filled with plants

When you think of daffodils, you immediately think of spring. These flowers mark the end of winter and are a welcome addition to any garden. But to guarantee these spring blooms, it’s best to plant daffodil bulbs in September.

Daffodils can be planted throughout September, and as long as you plant them in full sun or partial shade and in well-draining soil, you should have no problems welcoming these bright blooms next year.

9. Hyacinth

Hyacinths in outdoor display
Hyacinths in outdoor display

With their strong fragrance, their bright colours, and their ability to thrive in both garden borders and pots, hyacinth is a popular spring flower. Like many other spring bulbs, however, they require time to establish themselves before they start blooming. And that’s why they should be planted in September.

To successfully plant your hyacinth bulbs, plant them around 10cm into the ground and around 8cm away from any other bulbs to prevent overcrowding. Then, keep them well-watered.

Queen Anne’s lace

Queen Annes Lace
Queen Annes Lace

Also called Ammi majus and occasionally ‘bishop’s flower,’ Queen Anne’s lace can be a bountiful addition to your garden. The greenery of this annual may be bushy, but the white flowers are as dainty as they come.

Although these seeds are traditionally sown in spring, they can also be sown in late August through to late September. However, it’s best to keep them away from any harsh cold or frosty conditions - so keeping them in a greenhouse might be best.


What is the best flower to plant in September?

Although it’s possible to plant flowers for autumn flowering in September, this month is best used to start planting your spring bulbs. By planting the likes of hyacinth and daffodils in September, you can allow them to establish their roots and start developing your shoots. This will ultimately give you an impressive garden of blooms in spring.

However, Steve has issued a warning when it comes to planting flowers in September. ‘I always recommend checking the packet of any seeds or bulbs you buy to ensure that they can definitely be planted and grown in September onwards. This is such an important step because every plant variation is different and has completely different growing and caring instructions that will damage the plant if not followed.’

What flowers can I plant now in September?

As September is traditionally a colder month, it’s better to focus on planting flowers and bulbs that will be able to withstand the winter and come out to bloom in spring. This includes plants such as hyacinths, alliums, lupins, pansies, and more.

It’s also possible to plant vegetables in September, ready for a bumper crop of veggies in winter.