Flower Power Straight from Your Garden into Your Cup

Flower Power Straight from Your Garden into Your Cup

What could be more blissful than a tea made from colorful petals plucked fresh from a flower garden? The flavonoids that give petals their colors support the heart and cardiovascular system, while the aromatic essential oils in this flowering tea are believed to reduce inflammation and boost your immunity. Paula Grainger and Karen Sullivan, authors of Infuse: Herbal teas to cleanse, nourish and heal, suggest selecting a vibrant handful of the flowers (whichever you can find) listed below to enjoy a unique and fragrant cup of blooming tea. Flower petals are so delicate that they quickly infuse hot water, so Grainger and Sullivan reverse the usual tea-making process by adding the herbs to the water in the teapot rather than pouring it over them.Flower Garden Tea Excerpted from Infuse: Herbal teas to cleanse, nourish and heal by Paula Grainger and Karen Sullivan. Distributed by Hatchette Book Group and published by Hamlyn, an imprint of Octopus Publishing. All rights reserved.  3 cups


1 handful of fresh viola flowers, calendula petals, borage flowers, rose petals, rosemary blossoms, red clover flowers, lavender flowers, blue cornflower heads, echinacea petals, nasturtium flowers and/or scented geranium leaves (ideally rose- or lemon-sc

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