Florida Hotel Accommodated Nearly 1,000 Dogs During Hurricane Irma

Woof woof, yay!

As Florida continues to recover from the devastating effects of Hurricane Irma, stories like this are what's giving people hope in a time of need.

The Hyatt Regency hotel in Orlando, Florida, as reported by Orlando Sentinel, opened its doors to over 900 dogs and their families during the hurricane this past weekend. While Hyatts are pet-friendly hotels to begin with, the hotel was extra accommodating as Irma raged, if people's Instagram photos are any indication. The furry creatures were allowed to roam the premises at will and even hung out with the employees.

“We proudly welcomed over 4,500 guests and over 900 dogs during Hurricane Irma,” a marketing manager at the Hyatt Regency Orlando told The Dodo. “Our property is typically pet-friendly and we issue a $150 cleaning charge for guests traveling with pets. With Hurricane Irma, we lowered the cleaning fee to $50 due to the circumstances. We have dog-walking stations located in areas outside of our hotel, but with the winds and heavy rains we conveniently moved these stations to right outside of the lobby doors, beyond the valet, for guests to take their animals out with minimal effects from the elements.”

The guests certainly took notice of this impressive display of hospitality. "Thanks to the @hyattregencyorlando for your hospitality towards people and the 900 pets during Hurricane Irma," one Instagram user posted with a picture of her dog and a front desk associate. "A perfect model during Hurricane Irma," another user posted with a pooch enjoying some clouds.

The hotel heroes of Hurricane Irma don't stop in Orlando, of course. Travelers who were stranded all throughout the southern state and the Caribbean islands have been sharing the selfless acts of hospitality and assistance they've experienced, ranging from cruise ships taking on overflow passengers to hotel owners going above and beyond their required duties.