The flexible working revolution is... not here yet, but here's how to ask for what you want

We need to fix flexible working - not the women who want it - Maria Stavreva /Getty
We need to fix flexible working - not the women who want it - Maria Stavreva /Getty

More people have been working from home than ever before in 2020 - and while remote working isn’t the same as flexible working, it has broken down some of the barriers and bust some of the myths about flexible working in general.

Over the last six years, my team at Timewise have been tracking the proportion of jobs that are advertised as flexible, through our annual Flexible Jobs Index. And it’s fair to say that progress has been eye-wateringly slow.

From a low point of nine per cent in 2012, to just 15 per cent in 2019, we had calculated that if progress continued at this rate, it wouldn’t meet the demand from employees for another 100 years.

So when we started working on this year’s index, we were optimistic that the global remote-working experiment caused by the pandemic would have really shifted the dial.

But our hopes that this could signal the beginning of a flexible working revolution was to be disappointed.

Despite the pandemic, we were amazed to find that less than a quarter of jobs are being advertised as flexible. The index split our analysis into before, during and after the first lockdown - and put the proportion of jobs advertised flexibly between July and September at just 22 per cent.

That means 78 per cent of jobs ads STILL aren’t relevant to people who need to work flexibly. And in fact, because of the growth in the proportion of remote workers, (from six per cent before the pandemic to 37 per cent by June), the gap between the employment market and the recruitment market for flexible jobs is actually wider than before Covid.

Clearly, with all the evidence pointing to a seismic shift in demand for flexible working, this just isn’t good enough.Thirteen million people have said they want to request permanent flexible working once the pandemic has subsided, and with the business case for flexible working no longer in doubt, it’s in employers’ interests to meet that demand.

  • Attend The F Word event with the Telegraph and WealthiHer on December 10th to find out how to boost your working life and wealth, details at the end of this article

And there’s a social case, too; a range of evidence suggests that the pandemic-fuelled economic crisis is taking a bigger toll on the economic stability and mental health of groups such as parents, carers, older workers and those with health issues – the very groups who are more likely to need to work flexibly, often in lower-paid roles.

Women are particularly affected; data from the IFS earlier this year highlighted that mothers were 47 per cent more likely to have lost their jobs or quit than fathers during the first lockdown. And more recently, LinkedIn revealed that the percentage of women hired during lockdown fell, while the percentage of men being hired increased, with women over the age of 30 the least likely of all to be hired.

It’s always been the Timewise view that employers need to “fix the workplace, not the women”. This year’s index makes it clear that they need to “fix the work, not the workers” - and build a jobs market which is fit for a post-pandemic world.

So, while we recognise that it’s been a tough year for employers as well as employees, it’s time for action.

Employers can’t wave a magic wand and create jobs that aren’t viable, of course. But what they can do, and must do, is make sure that any vacancies they do have incorporate as much flexibility as possible, and are advertised as such. That’s the only way to avoid “flexcluding” people who need to work part-time, or from home, or with staggered start and finish times.

It’s harder in some jobs than others, but not impossible; our work in frontline industries such as retail, teaching and nursing have shown that you can give employees advance notice on shift patterns, or input into rotas or schedules, as well as offering part-time and remote working options.

So we’ll keep working with employers and we’ll continue to track the progress of flexibly advertised jobs. Let’s hope that, by next year’s index, we’ve managed to shift the dial.

Three tips for getting a flexible job

While we’re waiting for more employers to catch up and advertise their roles as flexible, you might need to take the lead. Here are some suggestions for how to ask for flexibility in your next role.

Plan your business case

A prospective employer will be more interested in how working flexibly will help them, than your reasons for wanting to. So think through how the arrangement you’re seeking will benefit the business before your interview. Check here for some facts and stats that will support your case.

Think about the best time to raise it

It’s worth picking your moment to raise the flex question. If you’re applying to a new company, we’d suggest waiting until you have a job offer, having already won them over with your skills and experience. Of course, if they raise the question, it’s worth having a low-key discussion about how it might work.

Offer to be flexible in return

Showing your prospective employer that you’ll work with them to make the arrangement viable – such as being willing to come in (or dial in) on a non-work day for key meetings – will allay most concerns. And suggesting a trial period allows both sides to review and refine anything agreed at the point of hire.


The Telegraph is delighted to be teaming up with the WealthiHer network for an exciting new event. The F Word will unite experts, investors and entrepreneurs for a day of online networking, discussion and advice, with speakers including Mary Portas.

With practical sessions on financial fitness, pitching and getting the future you want, we can start to face up to the challenges and opportunities women face - together. So don’t miss the chance to join The Telegraph’s Women Mean Business and WealthiHer for this exciting event on Thursday 10 December, 8am-5.15pm.

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