Flavored Sour Creams Are the Revolution You Didn't Know You Needed (Until Now)

Courtesy Vermont Creamery

Sour cream is one of the world's most perfect foods. It can work with sweet or savory dishes, can be a key ingredient in everything from dips to soup to cakes, and might be the single best garnish on the planet. Stir in some brown sugar and dunk strawberries in it or add some scallions and cool off your chili with it. It loves all styles of cuisine from Mexican to French. Add a tablespoon or two to your whipped cream to keep it stable or stir it into stew to enrich the sauce.

RelatedWhat's the Difference Between Sour Cream, Creme Fraiche, and Yogurt?

I use sour cream in my salad dressings to help emulsify them, in my cakes to help enrich them them, and in my marinades to help tenderize things.

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So, it is no wonder that when I found out one of my favorite sources, Vermont Creamery, was making flavored versions of their super premium sour cream, I had to try them out.

My new obsession: flavored sour cream

Vermont Creamery is making two versions: Fire Roasted Onion & Chive and Cilantro & Lime. Think all the flavor of dips, but without the intense salinity. It is this little difference that makes all the difference. They are both deeply savory and flavored, but still tart and fresh, so you can use them to garnish all sorts of dishes. But if you need a last-minute dip? Just add salt and pepper and voila!

What to make with flavored sour creams

The onion version has mild smoky flavor from the fire-roasted onions, making it ideal as a topper on chili or stew or baked potatoes, or as a spread for burgers. If you have recipes where sour cream is an ingredient in gravy like stroganoff or Swedish meatballs, the onion provides extra oomph. I've added it to mashed potatoes, and to my meatloaf mix, and dunked sweet potato fries in it.

The cilantro lime is obviously the perfect choice for tacos or nachos, and a spoonful stirred into your guacamole makes it extra creamy. The cilantro is in perfect balance, even for people like me who can find it overpowering and a bit soapy. I've blended it with salsa for a spicy dip, marinated chicken in it, and used it as a topper on gazpacho and a cooler on curry.

Where to find Vermont Creamery flavored sour creams

You can find Vermont Creamery flavored sour creams at places like Whole Foods, Kroger, and other stores that carry the brand. While you are there, be sure to also pick up some of their unflavored sour cream, which has a clean tart flavor and thick texture ideal for any use where the bonus flavors would be unwelcome.