Five myths about skiing that are completely wrong

False information could be holding your skiing back - © MARKA / Alamy Stock Photo
False information could be holding your skiing back - © MARKA / Alamy Stock Photo

From stretching before hitting the slopes to wearing boots that hurt, some received wisdom about how to behave on skiing and snowboarding holidays is not wise at all. Here are five on-mountain myths that should definitely be ignored.

Myth #1: You should stretch before skiing and snowboarding

Doing static stretching before exercise has been shown not to be beneficial and may in fact increase the risk of injury. This is because when a muscle is held in an elongated position for a prolonged period it becomes slower to react to the request to contract. In other words, stretching slows down muscle reactions.

This calming effect is beneficial at the end of exercise, so save your stretching until before sitting down for lunch or the end of the day. Stretch while muscles are still warm from exercise – so before settling into après ski.

Here are some videos that show you the correct technique for stretching including back stretches,quadriceps stretches (front of thigh), and gluteal stretches (buttocks.)

The most important thing before skiing and snowboarding is to warm up joints and muscles by taking them through the ranges of motion used on the mountain. The easiest way to do this is to start with easy slopes and build up slowly to the more technical ones. It’s also sensible to practise short turns on easier runs before hitting the bumps or narrow steeps. For those planning to do some high level competing, then dynamic stretching is advisable.  Find out how to do stretches for the hamstrings and quadriceps, the hips and the back with these videos.

Additionally lunging is a versatile way of warming up - you could even do it in the lift queue. Watch the movement below to get your technique right.

Ski fitness GIF 23

Myth #2: Ski boots should hurt

Ski boots should not be uncomfortable. While toes may be chilly and feet won’t feel as happy as they do in a pair of trainers, there should not be any pain, numbness, pins and needles or other uncomfortable sensations. There is an exception to this rule and that is when racing. Racers want zero movement in the boot so they will wedge feet into horribly tight boots. If race boots are uncomfortable, always put them on at the top of the course and whip them off at the bottom.

Ski boots buying guide

Ski boot manufacturers all make slightly different shaped boots. Therefore, when choosing ski boots it’s essential to try as many different brands and models as possible. People with particularly unusual shaped feet, prominent bony spurs at the heel or elsewhere, bunions or a medical condition that affects circulation, may well need the adjustments that can be made to boots externally or internally. However, most people should be able to find boots that fit well without the need for any extreme customisation.

If your feet feel comfortable in your boots you will get better sensory feedback from the feet and therefore be able to balance better on your skis, turn with more control and respond to the slopes beneath you with ease. Ultimately your performance will be optimised and your risk of injury will be reduced.

Myth #3: It’s always good to ski or snowboard with people better than you

When people describe the lead up to the fall that resulted in their ACL ligament rupture, or shoulder fracture or other serious injury, there are a few recurring themes. One of these is “I was trying to keep up with people who are better than me”, so bear this in mind when pushing yourself in this way. To reduce injury risk when buddies are more skilled and going faster than you, consider making your day a bit shorter because you’re likely to get physically and mentally more tired earlier than them. This is because their technique will be more efficient so they won’t be putting in the same physical or mental effort. Also, carry a stash of healthy food and water to keep fuel levels steady. And - hopefully an obvious one - avoid alcohol.

Myth #4: Bending the body up and down or side to side will help you turn

This used to be an essential part of turning skis because it helped to flex them. With modern materials, this is unnecessary and a complete waste of energy, so don’t do it. It is also why modern skiing is less damaging for spine and knees.

In both skiing and snowboarding most bending - aka flexion - occurs at knees, ankles and hip joints (these are below the bony bits of the pelvis that are commonly called the hips).

Lateral or sideways movement occurs predominately at the hip joints (not the pelvis or back) because the collateral ligaments of the knee prevent them moving laterally, and the ankles are wedged into solid boots. 

Myth #5: You shouldn't ski or snowboard if you’ve got back pain

In most cases back pain will either be improved or remain the same when skiing or snowboarding. However, there are some conditions that could get worse, and therefore it's important to seek assessment and diagnosis from a physiotherapist before hitting the slopes.

Everything you need to know to improve your skiing or snowboarding this season

To reduce the chance of back pain happening on the slopes it’s important to keep the pelvis and back in a neutral position. In other words, without either tucking your bum too far under, or sticking it out too far. Both positions put excess force through joints, ligaments and other spinal structures and make it difficult for muscles to stabilise and protect the spine.

To work out your neutral position go to the two extremes of movement and then bring your pelvis back to exactly halfway between the two. If you are unsure how to do this go and see a physio who can show you and check out these videos that show how to find the correct pelvic position as well as how to work your muscles to hold your pelvis and back in this position.

Need to know

Lucy Macdonald is a Physiotherapist with a specialism in snow-sports. She offers one to one consultations and tailored programmes for enhancing performance and preventing injury, as well as treating injuries and pain. She practised in Val d’Isère, France, for four seasons and works with all levels of skier and snowboarder from novice to pro. For more information, more advice and to watch videos, visit Videos are free to watch and entail email sign up.