The Five Best Mountain Biking Turkeys

Through the years, many bike-oriented companies have celebrated Thanksgiving with a picture of a turkey on a bike. Instagram Explore is home to many of them.

Given the preponderance of these gobbling beacons of holiday cheer, there is nothing to do but rank them.

1. KHS Freeride Turkey

In 2017, the KHS pro bike team released a picture of a wide-eyed cartoon turkey doing a no-footed can. This turkey takes the cake because rather than pedal through a field of pumpkins or whatever, KHS Turk is out getting pitted off bike jumps. If I ever run into this dude at a bike park, I would love to take a lap with him.

2. Chili Pepper Bikes comically short rear center Turkey

Chili Pepper Bikes took the opportunity in 2022 to celebrate Thanksgiving with a turkey riding a bike. Even though this bike has ridiculous geometry, the turkey is riding it fast enough to be completely flustered and its feathers falling off. Perhaps his mother-in-law said 3:00 sharp for dinner and he got off the trail at 2:55.

3. Crankstyle Chainring Turkey

In 2021, apparel brand Crankstyle Gear’s Thanksgiving message featured a turkey that looks a bit like popular TV icon Pickle Rick. Instead of feathers, this bird’s tail is made of chainrings. This turkey looks like it has a friend about to try a new jump three cocktails deep before Thanksgiving dinner.

4. Gordy’s Bicycles Aerodynamic Turkey

Though this turkey is engaged in BMX racing, merely a cousin of mountain biking, it is too good to not include. Outfitted with classes, this bird is both Aerodynamic and ready to put out some power.

5. Squatch Bikes Rubber Turkey

In the masses of promotional Turkey, most are cartoons. Only Squatch Bikes set out to make a real-life turkey on a bike. Yes, this turkey is not piloting the bike like its imaginary counterparts, but it put in the work of going to a real-life bike trail and descending.

I hope this article reaches you after a lovely gathering with family and friends, and not while you are hiding in the bathroom while your uncle and your cousin fight about their newfound expertise in Argentinian politics.

From the whole staff at BikeMag, Happy Thanksgiving!

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