New Fitness Report Reveals the Most Popular Day of the Week to Work Out Is...Tuesday

ClassPass just put out their big 2019 fitness trends report and it's official: People love Tuesdays.

After analyzing 100 million workouts and class reservations booked by ClassPass members, the company—which provides access to various fitness studios in cities around the continent—compiled their data to report everything from the most popular workout in North America (spoiler alert: it’s strength training) to the laziest day of the calendar year.

But out of all the findings from the report, a couple stood out to us. Did you know that Tuesday is the most popular day of the week to work out? Combine that with the fact that 5:30 pm is the most common time to take a weekday class and you can pretty much guarantee we'll be avoiding that post-work Tuesday pilates.

As for the most popular day of the entire year to work out? That was February 19, 2019. If that date rings a bell, it’s because it was the day after a dual holiday: President’s Day and National Drink Wine Day. (This probably indicates there were a slew of guilt-driven workouts following a day of too much boxed Cabernet...But hey, we don’t judge.)

You can get the full ClassPass 2019 trend report here. We recommend using this important info to help plan your workouts (and help plan when to avoid those workouts) for the remaining 3 weeks of the year.

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