How to get fit for the slopes: squat jump with lunge jump

It’s the time of year when skiers and snowboarders turn attention to getting fit for the slopes ahead of a winter trip to the mountains. Getting your body prepared will not only help you ski or snowboard better, but will make the whole experience a lot more enjoyable – no more endless aching or stocking up on muscle relief lotions like they're going out of fashion.

Personal trainer Matt Roberts has put together a series of exercises that are easy to do at home to help you get fitter and stronger for the slopes.

Skiing: the cheats guide to looking like a pro

This exercise combines two different jumps to help you build leg strength and improve your dynamic movement.

Matt Roberts
Start in a squat position
  1. Stand with your feet apart and sink down into a squat.

  2. Jump up, landing with your left foot in front of you and your right foot behind.

  3. Sink into a lunge position until your right knee is touching the floor.

  4. Jump up, landing with your right foot in front of you and your left foot behind.

  5. Sink into a lunge position until your left knee is touching the floor.

  6. Jump up and land with your feet side by side.

  7. Squat down and repeat the series of jumps from the beginning. Do this six times in total to complete the first set.

  8. Do four sets in all, resting for one minute between sets. 

  9. Repeat this exercise four times a week.

Ski | Get fit for the slopes | Video series