Go Fishing With David Gravette: Fiends & Streams

After years of skating all over the world, dropping heavy video parts, gracing mag covers, it was time for David Gravette to wade into a new obsession. That's right, lunkin'.

Calling all fish heads, see how this Creature pro ties his lures and casts out in the wild waters of the Pacific Northwest. More of these episodes please!

"At long last! Take a wild ride with Gravs and lurk through the finest streams, lakes, and long-forgotten 'crete the Pacific NorthWest has to offer. After painstakingly logging hours of footage from Dave's GoPro logged over the past year, now you can get a glimpse into how 'ol Dave lives life on the daily. Creature is Proud to present, David Gravette's Fiends & Streams." Lunkin a big rainbow and hittin' the spleef. What a life.

Peep David's latest commentary below. It's a hoot!

Related: David Gravette 'And Now' Commentary: The Stories and Journey of his Breakthrough Part

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