The First New Moon of 2023 Is Here, and It's in Aquarius

the word aquarius over a new moon over a land or ocean scape
Your Horoscope for the New Moon in AquariusGetty/Margie Rischiotto

New Moons are a time for rejuvenation and manifestation, and if you have a lack in your life, then this is the time the collective will work to fill it. Whether it be through a new experience, person, or item, we must make space for beginnings and foolish behavior during New Moons. Mind you, we are all fools when beginning something new, so don’t be scared to get experimental.

For newbies, a New Moon is when the Moon and the Sun meet in what astrologers call a conjunction. As an astrology practitioner, I’m all about precision because it’s possible to cut through diamonds. New Moons are for setting intentions and goals to manifest. Take the theme of each New Moon as a inspiration to bring forth the best version of yourself!

Over the past few years, many of us have united over a shared need to be patient, optimistic, and understanding. Plans have needed to change, and some dreams were deferred. Restrictions have created new boundaries or reinforced preexisting limitations, which can be frustrating for free-spirits and the wayward-minded. The New Moon in Aquarius on January 21, 2023 marks a time to take a stand for what you believe in. Believe it or not, even though progress seems to be a slow turn of a dial, each tick-tock of the clock creates lasting and meaningful change. Around 4PM EST, try to dedicate time and space to journaling about the change you wish to see in your world.

Filmmaker and activist Tourmaline teaches the concept of freedom dreaming, the process of asking yourself questions about what freedom is. Tourmaline suggests giving yourself the time to ask and answer the same question repeatedly, ideally allowing your mind to get to more profound answers each time. With the New Moon in Aquarius, you might focus on the question, “Who can I foster space to feel free with?” For some of you, the first answer might be, “With people with whom I feel safe.” Ask yourself again and offer yourself a new solution: “I can foster space with people willing to let me be myself when with them.” Then perhaps ask yourself thrice more and see what answer comes up; for me, it is, “with people who do not lead with the desire to fix, judge, or criticize me. Instead, they accept and embrace me as I am.”

Mercury Retrograde is finally over and Mars and Jupiter are making harmonious connections with the New Moon, which means that you might come up with Nobel Peace Prize-worthy solutions to real-world issues. Be brave, and dream loud!

Read your horoscopes based on your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. Read for your Sun sign to gain insight based on the version of yourself that you’re maturing into, your Rising sign to reflect on your present state, and your Moon sign guidance on how to take care of your inner child.

Your horoscope for the New Moon in Aquarius:


You are a wealth of knowledge, Aries. The more you share of yourself, through transparent storytimes or abstractions of your experience, your message will resonate with those around you. What’s captivating about you is your ability to share authentically. Being you is enough. A little courage and self-compassion can go a long way.


Even though you may feel you’re in unfamiliar territory, nothing new is under the Sun. Grant yourself a lot of grace and trust in your ability to intuitively navigate life. You may struggle to trust the unknown. However, this New Moon is an excellent reminder that luck starts when you believe you’re worthy of it. You know more than you may give yourself credit for.


Be your own reason to strive for more. This New Moon challenges you to further your education and personal development. Your purpose requires that you develop new skills and certifications. As time progresses beyond Mercury Retro-shade, take time to become clear on the small objectives necessary to reach your long-term goals.


Each day is a new beginning and a new opportunity to emerge from your past. You may not know precisely what new phase you’re entering or what responsibilities it will entail. Trust that after months—years, even—of tireless work towards your purpose, your feet will lead you in the right direction without much thought. Believe in your flow, Cancer.


This New Moon illuminates the relationship sector of your birth chart. You might have to face unspoken frustrations regarding your work life. What’s going in your favor is your knowledge and accessibility to knowledge. If you have a question, take time to hit up your local library, and you’ll be surprised what you find. The answers to your questions are one book away!


A new work project speaks to your soul in a way that can propel your career. Try to trust the process and detach from your worries. You don’t need to know how you’ll do something, so trust and believe that answers will reveal themselves, one step at a time.


One of your strengths is your decision about who you decide to share space with. Within your inner circle are trendsetters, trailblazers, and idealists who can offer you new and helpful ways to let more joy into your life. Grab a pen and journal and ask them, “How do I let more pleasure into my life?” Make sure you’re asking questions and listening, not talking over them.


Home is one idea that you have worked on, thought through, and processed, and maybe now you can put into words what home means to you. Oddly enough, it does not have to be confined to an actual address. It may be in memory. Change can also follow displacement; for some, a home might not exist as you remember it. That is why memories are essential, so you can take what feels like home and keep it close to where you spend most of your time.


An evolution of you is emerging. Can you feel your old skin shedding as you step into unblazed trails? Thankfully, you're not a baby, and this new beginning is joined by the lessons you’ve successfully resolved. Humor, laughter, joy, and trusting the process of experimentation are all qualities that will come to your benefit during this new lunar cycle. When you communicate yourself, do so with tact, kindness, and humorous grace.


Time spent in your space, in your home, has a way of helping bring awareness to what you value and believe in. Sometimes there may be difficulties answering people when they ask, “What are your values, standards, and interests?” To you, the response may seem like common sense. Remember that everyone is different and when in doubt, the answers exist in your home, in book titles, and within your closet.


Happy solar return, dear Aquarius. You have made it to another person's new year; maturity looks good on you. As you feel your level up, take time to appreciate some of the experiences that led you to this point. You have reached a new age through mishaps, mistakes, shame, triumph, misunderstandings, and accomplishments. Take growth with a bit of sweetness, and you’ll find that wisdom drips from your lips. I bet it tastes like lavender honey.


For you, Pisces, this New Moon is primarily intuitive. Enjoy the process of being within your comfort zone. For now, that is enough. When questions, queries, and curiosities come to your mind, dive more deeply and welcome new knowledge. Fill your mind with lessons and highlights until your brain decides that you have enough.

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