This Female Jockey Went to the Olympics Before She Was Issued her License | Bold & Untold by MAKERS

Kathy Kusner, first licensed female jockey in the U.S.

They should be household names, but instead they’re hidden figures. Not anymore. In our new MAKERS series, we highlight the activists, advocates, and all-around awesome women who have been ripped out of modern history books. These are fearless feminists who put man on the moon and girls on the pitcher’s mound; transformed male-dominated industries like finance and construction; and paved the way for others succeed.

Video Transcript


KATHY KUSNER: I knew the racing commission. They would have rather died than give me a jock's license. And it took the judge about three minutes to take his gavel and go "boom," and said, "You cannot deny her a jock's license."

The jock's room for girls didn't exist, so you were in a broom closet. The crowd and a lot of the horsemen, too, they would yell all their obnoxious things.

By introducing this, hopefully they feel that there's not limitations, and they can dream big.