First-Ever Tandem Tube Surfed at Jaws (Watch)

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Whether it’s in big waves or small, straps or no straps, hydrofoils or SUPs, Maui waterman Kai Lenny is all about pushing the boundaries in surfing. Over the course of his career, he’s had more than a few “firsts” – and there will likely be more to come.

One of those never-been-done-before moments came a little while back when he and his brother, Ridge, pulled off the first tandem tube at Maui’s big wave gauntlet, Jaws.

And although the clip has made the rounds before, Ridge is back with a new video explaining what went into the brotherly barrel, how he got the POV shot of a lifetime, and a play-by-play of his mindset during the experience. Ridge takes it away:

Related: Kai Lenny’s Secret Weapon for Big Wave Surfing Progression

“Even if I get just a couple frames of footage of Kai inside this barrel, it’s going to be a win, and the whole thing is going to be a success. So, I’m like, ‘screw it, I’m just gonna try.’ I bottom turn and I pull up into this thing, and I feel the lip just graze my head. The next thing I know, I’m in this barrel with my brother. I thought I was a goner…

“As we came out, it was probably one of the coolest moments ever to share with him. We locked eyes, and it was a moment of pure brotherly love. It was so cool. We kicked out and hugged each other. Everyone was freaking out in the channel. It was one of the most special moments I’ve had in the ocean. Everything came together in that moment.”

Related: Pipeline Wipeout Almost Kills Kai Lenny, Says Helmet ‘May Have Saved My Life’

More recently, Kai’s been on the mend following a wipeout at Pipeline in which he came away concussed and in need of medical attention. Luckily, he said, his helmet “may have saved my life.” Since then, he’s been slowly making his way back into heavy surf.

Anticipate more crazy Kai Lenny antics to come next big wave season.


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