The first Star Wars: Episode IX teaser just dropped, and everyone now has this same Kylo Ren theory

After the divisive release of Star Wars: The Last Jedifans were left mystified about what the saga’s next episode might look like. Over the past year or so, we’ve gotten hints about Star Wars: Episode IX—like that Matt Smith is set to appear in the movie, and Carrie Fisher will still be included as General Leia Organa—but other details about the film have been shrouded in secrecy. Until now. Today, April 12th, the first teaser trailer for Star Wars: Episode IX dropped, and the movie’s title has spawned one particularly interesting theory about what’s in store.

According to The Verge, Lucasfilm unveiled the new trailer during a panel at the Star Wars Celebration in Chicago. Directed by J. J. Abrams, the film is set to be released on December 20th. The trailer billed the movie as “an end” to the saga—and it also revealed that the title will be Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. The name immediately grabbed people’s attention, because (SPOILER ALERT)—Luke, arguably the most famous Skywalker, kind of died in The Last Jedi. So what could the “rise of Skywalker” mean?

Fans on Twitter theorized that the title is actually a nod to Kylo Ren (aka Ben Solo), who’s Luke’s nephew, and therefore technically also a Skywalker. Some fans believe that Star Wars: Episode IX will see Kylo finally disavow the dark side—for good this time.

Others even think Kylo will end up training Rey, which would definitely make things interesting.

We have to admit, this theory does seem plausible. We’ll just have to wait until December to find out for sure.