Fiona Morrison's Wolf Circus Is the Jewelry Line You Need to Know About

Over the past few years accessories have stepped into the spotlight, with so many Instagram-famous brands popping up. Fiona Morrison is leading the charge with her jewelry line Wolf Circus. All of her pieces are as simple as they are beautiful, combining modern artistry with a feminist edge. The best part? Owning one of her pieces won’t break the bank. Read on to find out how Fiona got started when she was still in college, why having an all-women team is essential to her business’ success, and her advice for starting a business of your own.

Courtesy of Wolf Circus
Courtesy of Wolf Circus

Teen Vogue: What inspired you to start your line?

Fiona: Wolf Circus started in 2010 while I was working on my Business degree at the University of Victoria. During this time I realized that there was a gap in the market for modern affordable jewelry. I felt inspired to create a line that would bring the wearer confidence and help them feel empowered during their daily hustle.

Teen Vogue: You dreamt up your line while you were still in college. Did you find it difficult to get things started because you were so young?

Fiona: I was very fortunate because I started Wolf Circus while I was still living with my parents and attending school. It's always a little less intimidating to start a project like this when you don't have bills or a mortgage. The challenges I faced when I first began the line were more those of personal growth and understanding how to build a brand, manage production, and self-fund everything. I never felt as though my age held me back but rather my naivety allowed me to believe I could achieve anything.

Teen Vogue: I love how your pieces can be worn for any occasion! Where do you draw nspiration for your collections?

Fiona: I am inspired by my grandma’s old jewelry, street style, my friends, confident women, painters, sculptors, architects. Lately I have been really inspired by artists such as Matisse, Miro and Jean Arp. One source of continuous inspiration is how my friends wear and layer their jewelry. My friends and I are always on the go, and creating pieces which can easily be worn during all activities whether it be snowboarding or rock climbing, to a night out with my friends. We aim to create jewelry that is sustainable and versatile.

Courtesy of Wolf Circus
Courtesy of Wolf Circus

Teen Vogue: Your company is run entirely by women, which I think is 1) amazing and 2) surprisingly rare in an industry that is mostly marketed towards women. Was that a conscious decision? If so, what message would you send to other entrepreneurs who would like to build a team like yours?

Fiona: Our team currently consists of 10 lovely ladies. They do everything from production to marketing and fulfilling orders. Our all-women team was never an intentional decision however it has been an incredible experience to work with such a supportive and amazing team. My advice would be not to hire people solely because they are fit for the job but also ensure that you are surrounding yourself with people who's values align with yours and who are just as hard working as you are.

Teen Vogue: What advice do you have for other self starters looking to launch something for themselves?

Fiona: I believe it is really important to have patience and remember that building a brand doesn't mean it will blow-up overnight. Taking the time to build organic growth and learn who your customer is along the way with plenty of trial and error will create a more sustainable brand in the long run.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

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