How Finishing 18th Changed It All for This Cyclocross Racer

Photo credit: Media Platforms Design Team
Photo credit: Media Platforms Design Team

Dani Arman, 25
Program Manager At Hitachi Data Systems
St. Charles, Illinois

"I started running competitively when I was 12. After I began racing cyclocross in 2013, it reminded me of cross-country. Oddly enough, they smell the same—the scent of fall! Last year at my first UCI race, Jingle Cross in Iowa City, it was freezing. As I prerode the course I wondered what I'd gotten myself into. It seemed sadistic. I was out of my element. Even so, I was excited to start: I was riding against people I'd read about. It was amazing that I could race them at that level. When I got a $20 check for my 18th-place finish, I was ecstatic. You don't get as good racing in the local scene—you've got to push your limits to get better."

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