What Are Some "Money Rules" You've Heard From Boomers That Make Zero Sense In 2022?

Boomers definitely mean well, but something I think we can all agree on is how out of touch some of their advice is.

NBC / Via giphy.com

Times have certainly changed and some of their advice — especially the money-related kind — just doesn't apply anymore. 🤷🏻‍♀️ On that note, I'm asking the BuzzFeed Community: What financial advice do boomers love to give yet doesn't make any sense in 2022?

NBC / Via giphy.com

The reality is that times have changed and today's generation is dealing with things that can no longer be solved by advice that may have been top notch decades ago — but no longer applies in the same way today.

Lifetime / Via giphy.com

For example, maybe you're still hearing the advice to not open too many credit cards.

STX Films / Via giphy.com

Or not to invest your any of your money until you're 100% debt-free.

CBS / Via giphy.com

Better yet, maybe you've heard boomers advise to not buy a house until you're "ready to settle down."

The exterior of a white home
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So go ahead and share with me some of the most outdated financial advice you've gotten from older generations in this anonymous form or in the comments below.