We Finally Know Who Was Really Running Meghan Markle & Prince Harry’s Royal Instagram Account

Looks like Meghan Markle didn’t stop using her writing skills when she said goodbye to her lifestyle blog, The Tig. In fact, the Duchess of Sussex apparently drafted many of the Instagram posts for her and Prince Harry’s combined account, SussexRoyal, according to a new biography.

Called Finding Freedom: Harry and Meghan and the Making of a Modern Royal Familythe book features never-before-heard stories about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, including the inner workings of the couple’s social media accounts. (Of course, it’s important to note that neither the duke nor the duchess weighed in on the tell-all book.)

Per the biography, when the Sussexes separated their household from that of Prince William and Kate Middleton, the Suits alum took it upon herself to remain personally active on all the SussexRoyal platforms as a way to have herself heard.

“Launching the account was a somewhat liberating experience for Meghan,” an aide told the book’s authors, according to Town & Country. “Not having a platform of her own to talk directly to the public was one of the toughest changes for her, especially after building so much of her own brand on Instagram and her blog. @SussexRoyal meant that she finally had a place to curate.”

“Meghan drafted a lot of the posts herself in the early days," the book continues. “It was one of the things that kept her occupied during her final days of pregnancy.” We totally called it.

This kind of social media involvement is rare for senior members of the royal family and only happens on major occasions—something the Duke of Cambridge revealed when trying to gain access to the Kensington Royal Twitter account.

Unfortunately, SussexRoyal had to be shut down after the couple chose to lead a life outside of the royal spotlight. Back in March, they wrote a sweet farewell message to their fans and followers.

“While you may not see us here, the work continues. Thank you to this community—for the support, the inspiration and the shared commitment to the good in the world,” their final caption read. “We look forward to reconnecting with you soon. You’ve been great!”

We bet Meghan wrote that one, too.

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