We Finally Know What Prince William Said About Meghan Markle That Pissed Prince Harry Off So Much

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From Women's Health

  • Prince William and Prince Harry are reportedly feuding because William “cautioned” Harry about moving too fast with Meghan Markle.

  • Harry told his family he wanted to marry Meghan after less than a year of dating.

Another day, another update in the “royal feud” between Prince Harry and Prince William! So, word on the mean streets of Buckingham Palace is that this ~rift~ started thanks to William being less than supportive of Harry’s relationship with Meghan Markle, and now People’s out here with dramatic new details.

A royal source (who else, lol) tells the outlet that tensions between William and Harry escalated when Harry told his family he wanted to marry Meghan after less than a year of dating. Which is pretty fast, especially considering William waited around eight years before marrying Kate Middleton!

Per People, William “cautioned Harry that things were moving too quickly, leaving Harry angry and hurt.” That said, a friend of both William and Harry claims the idea that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were unfriendly to Meghan rings false and doesn’t “sound like them,” so...at least there’s that!

Meanwhile, royal expert and author of Harry & Meghan: Life, Loss, and Love Katie Nicholl tells Cosmopolitan.com that the relationship between the brothers is slightly better circa right now, but that it doesn’t seem likely “things will ever be the way they were between William and Harry.”

This especially seems to be the case considering Meghan and Harry just moved out of Kensington Palace and will be seeing a lot less of William and Kate (who live there with their children) as a result. People also reports that the brothers and their wives already “don’t spend much time together” outside their infrequent formal engagements and that they “have separate groups of friends.” Says their source: “They are at very different situations in their lives.”

In conclusion: sad face.

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