The Final New Moon of 2023 Is a Portal to an Alternative Universe

New Moon Sagittarius December 2023

On Tuesday, December 12, 2023, at 6:32 p.m. ET, the new moon in Sagittarius is offering up the chance to make a wish upon a star!

New moons allow us to embrace change and take action on our dreams, goals, and desires. They reset the lunar cycle and provide a clean slate to begin new projects or welcome fresh beginnings. This month, the final new moon of 2023 will align the stars in your favor, empowering you to explore new territories in the upcoming year. Last month's new moon in Scorpio dissolved your illusions and brought you back to reality. Now, the new moon in Sagittarius wants you to look at your life with fresh eyes so you can start the journey anew. The December new moon in Sagittarius will be significantly influenced by Mercury's final retrograde of the year, which begins on December 13, 2023, and lasts until January 1, 2024. There may be some hesitation about this new moon that could make you doubt yourself. However, as the last Mercury retrograde shifts into Sagittarius later in the month, the manifestations you invite into your life this week will finally come to fruition.

Keep reading to see what the new moon in Sagittarius has in store for your zodiac sign.

The Spiritual Meaning of the New Moon in Astrology

New moons are an invigorating and refreshing energy in astrology. They occur at the beginning of the lunar cycle, lasting 28 days, and going through all eight moon phases. The new moon is a cosmic reset on the energy in the sky, making it a popular time to manifest, create space for new things, and change your life. A new moon happens when the sun and the moon align in the same zodiac sign, marking a period of fresh energy and perspective. In astrology, the sun represents your heart and ego, while the moon symbolizes the core of your being. When these two luminaries come together in the same zodiac sign, it's an opportunity to redefine how you present yourself to the world. Although the new moon is not visible to the naked eye on Earth, the power it holds cannot be underestimated. Similarly, the new moon is a chance for you to make moves behind the scenes and lay the groundwork for what will blossom over the next month.

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What to Expect From December's New Moon in Sagittarius

This month, the new moon in Sagittarius will bring a burst of energy because of its close conjunction with Mars, the planet of action and vitality. You might feel like you have endless energy to dedicate to all aspects of your life. However, your energy can fizzle out just as quickly as it appeared. Although you may feel charitable this season, avoid overextending yourself to the point where you have nothing left for yourself. Use this gift of focus and determination to tackle any significant issues weighing you down. Set your sights on one or two goals and pursue them relentlessly until they're complete. You'll feel a great sense of achievement checking off another item from your list before the new year.

With this new moon being ruled by Jupiter retrograde in Taurus, you might find yourself rethinking your entire life plan. Neptune ended its retrograde earlier this month, altering your dreams in a new direction. Now, the Sagittarius new moon is compelling you to embrace change boldly. During this time, you may sense that there is something greater out there for you and aspire for more from life. However, you might become frustrated as this new opportunity has yet to manifest in a tangible manner. The final new moon of 2023 encourages you to experiment with your sense of joy and pleasure. Create vision boards on Pinterest, redesign your living space, and seek guidance from your spirit guides and ancestors to focus on your goals for the upcoming year. Jupiter will complete its retrograde at the end of the month, providing you with good fortune in 2024.

Finally, the new moon in Sagittarius takes place one day before Mercury takes a final cosmic backspin in the sign of Capricorn. Mercury retrograde lasts from December 13, 2023, to January 1, 2024, making this new moon in Sagittarius your last chance to manifest before communication with the cosmos goes haywire. You've got a chance to speak your truth under the stars and lay it all at the altar during December's new moon. There's a sense that you're moving toward a new philosophy in life and expanding your capacity to learn and grow as an individual. This new moon is an excellent chance to offer yourself words and encouragement. To do that, you need to create space inside yourself to try new things and be a beginner in life without criticizing yourself.

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What Does the Scorpio New Moon Mean for Each Zodiac Sign?

During this new moon, mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) will experience the deepest level of change. The energy of curious Sagittarius will inspire you to take a calculated risk and run an experiment this week. You'll have a chance to make small changes to your plan and see what works best for you. This new moon could also ignite a spark for a new passion you hadn't considered before. Take this opportunity to get out and connect with people to expand your sphere of influence. Once Mercury retrograde moves into Sagittarius near the end of the month, you'll find yourself aligning with new friends, groups, and associations that better support the new version of you!

Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) may experience some difficulties during this new moon, so it's a good idea to prepare for some tears. Despite the inviting energy of this new moon, the upcoming Mercury retrograde in Capricorn may put a damper on your spirit. It's important to embrace the season of life you're in right now and not fight the fact that things may feel a little gloomy. Use this new moon as an opportunity to let go of old emotions and allow yourself to experience and sit with your current sadness. Once Mercury retrograde shifts into Sagittarius near the end of the month, you'll have a chance to revisit these themes of the new moon with a fresh perspective and newfound empathy for yourself that you didn't have before. You're going through a significant emotional change ahead of the new year, so don't be afraid of the big emotions that may arise.

Finally, fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) are getting what they're owed, thanks to Jupiter retrograde in Taurus, ruling this new moon. Over the past few months, you may have felt like you're struggling to achieve your goals. But with Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good fortune, stationing direct at the end of the month, you can expect a positive change. This new moon brings an opportunity or a lifestyle change that may take you places you've only dreamed of. However, this shift requires hard work and effort, which may leave some of you doubting your abilities. Fortunately, Mercury retrograde allows you to redefine yourself and present yourself as an authority figure. Utilize the new moon and the final weeks of December to create the right conditions to succeed.

UP NEXT: The Final Mercury Retrograde of 2023 Is Causing Chaos Into the New Year.