The Last Episode Of "Normal Ain't Normal" Is Here, And It's More Relatable Than Ever

After living in the age of a global pandemic, Normal Ain't Normal brought audiences four stories that were all too relatable.

Rosario Dawson served as an executive producer and actor for the four-episode scripted series based in Oakland, California. You might know her best for her work in Rent, Sin City, and Dopesick.

Rosario Dawson on the red carpet
Paul Archuleta / Getty Images

BuzzFeed digitally distributed the web series with the first episode debuting in September 2022. Everything from the ups and downs of working in the restaurant industry to gentrification got a spotlight in Normal Ain't Normal.

Reem Assil in Normal Ain't Normal
BuzzFeed Video / Offsides Productions

The fourth and final episode titled "Share the Pie" premiered today focusing on the story of a Palestinian chef played by Reem Assil.

Reem Assil in Normal Ain't Normal
BuzzFeed Video / Offside Productions

If you haven't had a chance to watch the show, now's your chance to catch up on all of the episodes in one spot:

Episode 1: "Life and Debt" featuring Tristan Cunningham and Rosario Dawson

Episode 2: "Unlord the Land" featuring D'Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai and Martin Sensmeier

Episode 3: "Not Machine Enough" featuring Sal Lopez

Episode 4: "Share the Pie" featuring Reem Assil

What did you think of Normal Ain't Normal? Share your thoughts in the comments!