Filmed in Paris, Supreme Just Dropped "she loves me, she loves me not." With Some Heavy Hitters

Supreme just dropped their latest film, "she loves me, she loves me not." featuring Troy Gipson, Yuto Horigome, Caleb Barnett, Vincent Touzery, and Mustapha Salem. It's only been a few days since Piggy dropped! These dudes are pumping these videos out at an impressive rate, to say the least.

Filmed on the streets of Paris, France, through the lens of Strobeck and Augustin Giovannoni, what more needs to be said? With a squad like this, you know you're in for a treat before you even press play.

The Yuto clips alone are worth the watch (always) but that's not even fair for me to say. This is a heavy hitting squad here and they all came through, as expected.

Someone commented, "Imagine being sponsored by Nike, Delta Airlines, April Skateboards and Supreme lmao. Get that check, Yuto!" Well based on his new Nike part that just dropped, his clips here, his win at Tokyo SLS—the list goes on—he deserves every bit of it.

If you like Strobeck edits, you're in the right place. If you back the skateboarding/streetwear giant, look no further. If Troy, Yuto, Caleb, Vincent and Mustapha get you hyped, then there's nothing else to do besides press play and take it all in.

Also, very tasteful song choice. Shoutout Michael Cera! (IYKYK)

Video / Supreme 

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