What It's Like To Film A Ski Movie

Ever wanted to peek behind the curtains of a ski movie shoot?

Look no further. Here's a video from Magma, a traveling film crew composed of videographer Owen Dahlberg and skiers Alex Hall and Hunter Hess, that documents a Teton Gravity Research park shoot.

The juxtaposition here is hilarious.

Magma's a three-man band held together by Owen Dahlberg and his trusty camcorder. TGR's production efforts couldn't be more different, involving a plethora of filmers equipped with cutting-edge videography.

At the beginning of this video, Hunter Hess notes the contrast, saying, "I think Owen and I have started to realize how not-dialed we are."

You can't disagree with this point. TGR's a freeskiing movie production titan, whereas Magma's a couple of friends, none of whom hold the title of "project manager."

But don't let that make you write off Magma as amateur hour. Hunter Hess and Alex Hall (who doesn't appear in this video) are elite skiers, and Owen Dahlberg has carved out a niche as a creative filmmaker with his own cinematographic look. Together, this mishmash of talent produced the iF3 award-winning "Magma II."

In skiing, there's space for the Magmas and the TGRs. They excel in different areas. TGR churns out spotless films year after year, whereas Magma drills into the heart of skiing, dredging up content that oscillates between killer short ski movies and vlog-like videos.

With all this great content to choose from, there's never been a better time to be a fan of skiing.

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