Can festival season be saved? The Government has six weeks to make up its mind

Summer isn't over yet - Getty
Summer isn't over yet - Getty

Six weeks. That’s how long music festival bosses say the Government has got to save this summer’s outdoor events from blanket oblivion. Unless a package of measures is announced by mid-March, then organisers fear the UK’s festival season will be torpedoed in its entirety for the second year running, leading to thousands of job losses and countless festivals going bust.

Last week’s cancellation of June’s Glastonbury Festival showed that even Britain’s most famous music jamboree is not immune from the ravages of Covid-19. But organisers of festivals scheduled for later in the summer believe that the second half of the season could be saved if action is taken soon. They are calling for the Treasury to underwrite their insurance and for the Government to name a restart date after which events can go ahead.

“I am extremely confident that festivals will be back with no social distancing from beginning of August onwards,” says Sacha Lord, the creator of Manchester’s Parklife Festival and the Night Time Economy Adviser for Greater Manchester. But his confidence is contingent on Westminster laying out its framework by the middle of March. If no framework is forthcoming by this date, Lord will pull stumps on his festival, which is due to happen in September.

This is not because his team won’t have time to organise Parklife: they already have 250 artists booked and headliners ready to announce. Nor is it due to lack of demand: the clamour for tickets is through the roof. Rather it’s because the musicians will need to be paid deposits to secure their performance, and no sane promoter would pay these deposits when insurance companies are still refusing to cover them in the event of a Covid-related cancellation. Hence the need for Treasury intervention – not to bail them out, but to act as a safety net.

Parklife has already been moved back from June to September to maximise its chances of going ahead. This morning the Royal Horticultural Society followed suit by moving the RHS Chelsea Flower Show from May to September. All eyes will now be on other large outdoor events scheduled for June and July, such as the Isle of Wight and Latitude festivals (due to take place in mid-June and late-July respectively). “Depends on the vaccine rollout. We are holding our breath,” Isle of Wight organiser John Giddings tells me. Latitude boss Melvin Benn declined to be interviewed for this article.

June's Isle of Wight festival doesn't look likely - Dylan Roberts
June's Isle of Wight festival doesn't look likely - Dylan Roberts

As Giddings says, the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine and the requirements for social distancing will also be crucial. It would be impossible to enforce social distancing at a festival of any meaningful size, so these measures will need to be eased as a baseline requirement for any events to happen. And proof of vaccination will be a requirement of entry for music festivals, organisers tell me. But with young people the last cohort set to be vaccinated, and with the entire population not likely to receive their jab for months, is any of this realistic?

Visitors to the Chelsea Flower Show tend to be decades older than those who attend music festivals. But the RHS’s language today is still noteworthy. It said it had moved the Flower Show to a month “when million more people will have been vaccinated and it is likely that the levels of infection will have reduced substantially.” Likely. It just shows how tentative all this is.

Speaking at a news conference on Tuesday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he hoped to set out “in more detail as soon as we can when and how we want to get things open again”. His criteria for easing the lockdown is expected next month but a Government adviser said any document will be “pretty broad brush”. Much will depend on emerging data about how effectively the vaccines stop Covid-19 transmission.

But what about one-day music events or weekend-long city centre festivals? Surely they take no time to organise and can be set up at short notice? If the vaccine rollout is faster than expected and infection levels fall by the spring, could these not go ahead?

It’ll be tricky, say observers. Take the Wireless Festival, a 45,000-capacity urban music festival that runs over three days and is due to take place in London’s Finsbury Park in early July. The festival’s website is still advertising the dates and promising a line-up announcement “soon”. But people who know the festival say that even Wireless requires areas of the park to be cordoned off for 45 days so the infrastructure can be put in place and then taken down again.

Tom Graham is the co-chair of Friends of Finsbury Park, a residents’ group. He believes the festival won’t happen this year. “We think it’s highly unlikely and we think it would be a terrible idea for public health reasons,” Graham says. At a time when daily exercise is the one freedom that people are being afforded, Graham argues that cordoning off a vast part of the park for 45 days would be detrimental to people’s health, particularly in an area of high population density such as North London. Haringey Council, in which Finsbury Park is located, did not return a request for comment. Wireless is also run by Benn’s Festival Republic, so I couldn’t run any of this by him.

Another potential issue that could affect music festivals relates to border controls and mandatory quarantining. It remains unclear how open the UK’s borders will be in the months ahead and what requirements the Government will put on visitors to self-isolate after they arrive. If international musicians face barriers to entry then any festivals that go ahead could be forced to rely solely on British artists. No bad thing. But much of the draw of large festivals lies in the big name international acts they host.

And yet despite these manifest obstacles, the desire of Britain’s youth to party remains strong. Anecdotal evidence suggests that late-August festivals such as Reading and Leeds and Cheshire’s Creamfields are seeing buoyant, if not record, demand for tickets. As Lord says, “People are dying to get out.”

The economic impact of a second lost summer would be huge. In a normal year there are up to 1,000 outdoor music festivals in the UK. They are a key contributor to the £1.3 billion that live music brings in to the economy every year. Around five million Brits attend a music festival every summer, according to the most recent figures. Last year, the pandemic led to a 90.2 per cent drop in revenue for festivals last year, according to industry body UK Music. “Covid-19 has created an existential crisis for the live sector and UK music festivals. The 2020 season was wiped out and there is a real threat that the vast majority of the 2021 season will not happen either,” UK Music said this month.

Analysis of the festival calendar suggests that an early August restart date would allow around a quarter of Britain’s festivals to still go ahead. According to the calendar spread of festivals in 2019 (the last ‘normal’ year for live music), around 650 festivals occurred in May, June and July, with around 200 happening in August and September. Saving this last tranche could be a lifeline for thousands of jobs.

There’s an element of smoke and mirrors here too, and perhaps just a whiff of skulduggery. Three people who know the festival world tell me that some contractors are “going through the motions” of setting up events for the summer even though they know they probably won’t happen. They’re doing this so they’ll have paperwork to prove that they’re fulfilling their contracts and will therefore get paid. Paperwork would also be useful should a compensation scheme be put in place.

And there’s a fair bit of hot air being peddled, perhaps as people cling on to hope. One festival organiser suggested to me that so many outdoor events are scrambling to reschedule for September that there's already a shortage of available ‘festival kit’ such as Portakabins, trackway and fencing for the early autumn. Not so says Blake Davis, a director at Davis Trackhire, the UK's largest independent supplier of aluminium trackway, when I ring him to see if this checks out.

“Nobody will be booking anything in my opinion because to book something you'll need to give a deposit. And does anybody really want to put a deposit down in such uncertainty? I would doubt it,” Davis says.

That’s a shame. Don’t start packing your wellies just yet.