After what feels like eons of teasing, we can finally buy Snapchat Spectacles online

After what feels like eons of teasing, we can finally buy Snapchat Spectacles online
After what feels like eons of teasing, we can finally buy Snapchat Spectacles online

As much as we love Instagram stories, the ease (and filters) on Snapchat keep us coming back for more. After what feels like eons of teasing, Snapchat’s pic-snapping, video-recording Snapchat Spectacles are finally available online for $129.99.

Prior to its online release, Snapchat Spectacles were only available via vending machines called Snapbots. Snapbots would pop up at random locations and disappear without warning. If you wanted a pair you were doomed to track the bot or pay incredible markups on eBay.

Here’s how they work: to take a pic or record a 10-second clip, you tap a button on the upper left corner of the glasses. You can tap again to record a second and third video clip, but the glasses max out at 30 seconds chunks of time.

#snäpchatspectacles 🦊✨🤓

A post shared by Mrugesha Raul (@mrugeshaa) on Feb 4, 2017 at 3:16am PST

When you’re recording, you’ll see an inward facing light and the corners of the specs will illuminate to let others know you’re filming, although there are ways to hide this feature. The Snapchat Spectacles’ lens is 115 degrees to mimic eyesight so you don’t have to worry about these Snaps not blending in with videos recorded from your phone.

If you have an iPhone, the videos transfer to your phone via Bluetooth or wi-fi, Android users can use wi-fi to get their Snaps onto their devices. Snapchat Spectacles can hold up to 200 snaps and the battery power will last you for about a day, (don’t worry, the inward facing light will warn you when your battery’s low.)


A post shared by Jéssica Rebelo Beligni (@jebeligni) on Feb 20, 2017 at 8:53am PST

So far the glasses are only available in three colors, teal, black, and coral, but we’re willing to bet that more shades and prints are on the way. Shop the specs here!