Your February Career Horoscope Wants You to Push Forward, Because No Planets Are Retrograde

Welcome to a new month, I am here with your career horoscopes for February 2023 to make sure that you keep up with those new year’s resolutions and career goals that you have!

Just a few days into the month we are met with a Full Moon in the sign of Leo on February 5. This lunation is sure to ruffle some feathers and leave you feeling anxious to release the ways in which you are playing small. If there are conscious (or subconscious) ways in which you are sabotaging your career, now is the time to address them so you can finally let them go. On February 11, we have Mercury—planet of communication—entering into quirky Aquarius. Let your freak flag fly during this time and don’t be afraid to initiate some whacky new ideas in your work life. The only way you can break the mold is by doing something that has never been done before.

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The sun will shift into Pisces on February 18, marking the first day of the last season of the astrological year. Pisces season gives us the chance to reflect on the year we had, expand our dreams, and think bigger before the Spring Equinox arrives on March 20. Use February to tie up loose ends and position yourself for success. There is a new moon on February 20 which will allow us to set intentions (think more, bigger, better for these ones). You should also keep an eye out for Venus—planet of money and beauty—entering passionate and hot-headed Aries on February 20. This day is jam packed with astrological transits that are asking us to take action and get our footing in order to gain long-term success.

Now, let’s get into it: each of the twelve signs will have their career affected differently in the month of February. Read on below for both your sun sign and rising sign in order to get full clarity on what this month has in store for you!

How the Planets Will Affect Your Career This Month

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


With Venus, the planet of money, entering your first house of self image on February 20, you will want to spend time dedicating yourself to your appearance and self esteem in order to get ahead. You do not need to follow anyone else’s beauty standards in order to reap these rewards, but it is important to self-prioritize this month. That means work-life balance, time for exercise that you enjoy, and making a point to tend to your personal life. Although they may seem unrelated, others will be deeply attracted to your positive energy and ultimately set you up for success and networking opportunities when they enjoy being around you. 

If you work for yourself or in a creative field, this month will be a powerful time for you to take action on the grandiose ideas that live inside of that brave heart of yours. With no planets in retrograde during the month of February, now is the time to take action, Aries!

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For February 2023

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


With every planet moving forward and not a single retrograde in sight, you will be feeling more motivated and creative than you have in months. The full moon in Leo on February 5 will square your sign, causing just enough tension to hurl you forward at lightning speed after this lunation passes. Be cautious of overstepping boundaries, making work too personal, or getting caught up in workplace drama this month!

You would do well to utilize February as a month to make an outline for the rest of 2023. With a fool-proof plan in place, it doesn’t mean snags won’t happen, but it does give you several backup plans and pathways to recalibrate if and when things get challenging. Life isn’t meant to be a walk in the park, it’s meant to be a series of rewarding moments where you watch yourself overcome and expand your limitations, Taurus. Let February be the first month that you embrace (and maybe even enjoy) this process!

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For February 2023

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Get excited, Gemini. You are going to start to feel more and more energized and social as the month progresses, because Mercury—planet of communication, networking and technology—enters fellow air sign Aquarius on February 11.

With this transit, you can expect old connections and industry buddies to come out of the woodwork to congratulate you on your recent achievements and maybe bring you an offer or two. It’s not going to feel like much of a surprise to get new opportunities by the end of this month. With the sun and moon both transiting through your tenth house of career and public recognition, you may find yourself posting, publishing and sharing more on social media or with close friends. Word will spread like wild fire about your ideas and capabilities and before you know it, a new pathway in your work life will emerge. You are only ever as lost as you allow yourself to feel, Gemini. You are gearing up for the best chapter of your career life to date.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For February 2023

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


This month, you may find yourself running into old patterns and feeling insecure about your financial status. However, giving yourself an opportunity to embrace these feelings will then give you the courage to release them.

With the full moon in Leo landing in your second house on February 5, you will need to get clear on what it is that you are truly chasing in your career and money cannot be the only answer if you plan on feeling fulfilled with your work. When the sun enters Pisces, fellow water sign, you will have a better connection to your gut and be able to make the proper adjustments to your work-life balance in order to create a more sustainable relationship with your projects this year.

If you’ve been considering switching industries or even leaving your career path all together, ask yourself: “would I be happy doing this job somewhere else in the world or with a new group of people?”. If the answer is yes, this year has the potential to bring insane and positive shifts in your life, and your career will be paving the way. You have built a reputation for yourself over the years and your past achievements will speak for themselves if and when you start to pitch yourself to new spaces and faces. You are not defined by the company you work for, your company has in fact been largely defined by you. Now is the time to reclaim your power in regards to your work. 

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For February 2023

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


On February 5, a full moon in Leo is going to bring you an opportunity to release old insecurities and patterns that are keeping you from reaching your highest potential. It’s time to let go of the old limitations that you set up for yourself in regards to your work. You would do well to start surrounding yourself with more inspirational and influential people this month, my lions. There is great potential for you to revive an old project or idea from your past as both the sun and moon transit your eighth house of renewal, rebirth and transformation.

Remember, sometimes the timing is the only thing that’s off and that seems to be the case with something you used to dream about long ago. If you gave up on your dreams for the sake of stability, you will have a new chance to bring those dreams to life. Especially with Pisces being a sign of dreams, illusions and romanticism, your life is about to get better than you could have ever imagined. Believe in yourself, Leo, and others will happily follow suit.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For February 2023

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


All that you’ve ever wanted is coming to life in February. You may feel slightly overwhelmed with how good your life is about to be, but with the sun and new moon both entering Pisces in your seventh house of partnerships, long-term commitments, and alliances, just know that the things you are building this month are meant to last a lifetime.

You could even be receiving help or support from a lover if this is available to you. Be willing to look over any documents or agreements a few times before accepting the terms, there could be room for more compensation or favorable working conditions. Closed mouths don’t get fed, Virgo, so be willing to speak up for yourself and what you want out of your partnerships and collaborations. You are much more creative and valuable than you give yourself credit for, and if someone else is unable to see this, be willing to say “no” so you have the time and space to say “yes” to the right opportunities when they arrive. I promise that there are plenty of beautiful moments waiting for you in February. Believe in yourself and watch how receptive others are to believing in you, too!

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For February 2023

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Mercury enters Aquarius on February 11, activating your fifth house of pleasure and creativity. Get ready for big dreams and even bigger wins this month! It seems like you’re on top of your A-game with networking and outreach in February and the connections you make are going to take your career to new heights. If you are willing to branch out (and maybe even consider partnering with co-workers or colleagues) for new projects, you will be highly favored and heavily blessed in terms of work and finances this month. 

Venus, the planet of money and beauty, will be in your seventh house of alliances and legal matters. You may be signing new contracts, starting a new role, or even trademarking or patenting something that will eventually make you copious amounts of money. Get ready for a whole new lifestyle, Libra!

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For February 2023

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


The astrology of February is paving the way for you to enjoy your work in a stimulating and refreshing way. There has never been a better time for you to start to have fun with your career than now. The less seriously you take things, the better! Let your inner child lead the way through your work and others will start to feel that transformative, powerful energy exuding off of your submissions. Whether you are already employed, self-employed or looking for work, this month will bring you an endless stream of good ideas and creativity.

Every planet is now stationed direct, meaning that there are no planets in retrograde during the month of February. This will feel like a breath of fresh air, and my suggestion is to kick things into high gear and push your old limitations to the side for the sake of capitalizing on this ease-filled month! When the new moon in fellow water sign Pisces arrives on February 20, expect the unexpected and you will find that your open heart is a perfect magnet to the opportunities of a lifetime.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For February 2023

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


February is calling on you to release old stigmas around your dreams and desires, particularly when it comes to work. Your career is only a small portion of what your life is supposed to be about, and this month will give you plenty of time to explore the hobbies, interests and pleasures outside of your workplace. When you have clarity around your priorities, your work will feel like it flows much more easily.

With the full moon in fellow fire sign Leo this month on February 5, all of the illusions and habits that kept you stuck to your work in unhealthy ways will finally fall apart. This may feel like a punishment at first, but I promise that there is great happiness on the other side of you admitting your weaknesses and recalibrating your approach to your career. Find a lifestyle that works for you, rather than a life you have to work tirelessly at.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For February 2023

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


The month of February is going to feel much more high-stakes than what you’re used to these days. You will have Mercury, the planet of communication and networking, sitting in your second house of finances and worldly possessions from February 11 through the remainder of the month, heightening your ability to bater and negotiate those dollar signs. Utilize this energy by having conversations with your employer or your clients in order to secure more income for the valuable work that you are providing. There is never going to be a “perfect” time to have a conversation about your value and having it match your rate or salary. However, there has never been a better time than the present for you to receive proper compensation. Speak up for yourself this month and allow yourself to have a bit more breathing room when you are paid fairly.

You will also have Venus, the planet of money and beauty, entering your fourth house of home and family on February 20. Look back at how the generations before you related to money and wealth. Are there subconscious limiting beliefs that you can acknowledge and let go of? Remember, even billionaires can have an unhealthy relationship to money that is rooted in “lack”. Be willing to break the chains in order to see your life transform this year onward.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For February 2023

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Venus—planet of money and beauty—is currently moving through your first house of self expression and identity, which means you’re spending February rediscovering your niche. You’re also ready to take on all sorts of new opportunities!

You are known for being the outlier of the zodiac, but people are going to start following your trends and thoughts more closely. If you are sharing your work or ideas online, it seems like this month will be highly favored for you. With Saturn in it’s final moments in your first house, start to rejoice as the planet of restrictions and rules readies itself to enter Pisces next month. Use this energy for growth and dedication to your creative process. Your work, even if it doesn’t seem inherently creative, is something that you “create” each day, so stay focused on the bigger picture in February and all will be well in terms of career and finances for you!

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For February 2023

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


This month will turn your career upside-down, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. As of February 18, the sun will enter Pisces, activating your solar return and increasing the odds of an identity crisis. You are going to have to ask yourself if you are still on track for the life that you desire with your current career. If the answer is yes, this will be a time to share more openly, ask for your needs to be met in a more prosperous way and ultimately set yourself up for long-term success through your work. However, if you are not fully happy with your line of work, you will be tasked with thinking outside of the box and checking in with what type of work would make you feel most authentically “you”.

Remember, your job is not your whole identity, but anything you are dedicating your time and energy to should line up with your likes, desires and talents in a way that makes you feel fulfilled. That is what February is all about: being honest with yourself and being willing to start at square one if it means you’ll be moving in the right direction.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For February 2023

Remi Bader. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster
Remi Bader. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

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