Our Favorite Thanksgiving Serving Platters

Thanksgiving is a generous holiday. You're giving thanks and spending time with those you love, and it's the one day you're allowed to unabashedly stuff yourself full of juicy turkey, flavorful dressing, and as many casseroles as you can handle. You don't save room for pie, per se—but you definitely eat some anyway. Besides the once-a-year dishes we look forward to for months, another exciting part about Thanksgiving for Southerners is the décor. We get to create stunning seasonal tablescapes, break out our favorite china, and meticulously plan how we're going to display all that food we've been stowed away in the kitchen cooking for the past two days.Most Southern families have their china and their silver, but another very important facet of the Thanksgiving meal is the many casseroles dishes, serving platters, and gravy boats that must accommodate our mountainous menu, and must do so in style. This is where you can mix and match, throw in color, stick with your china pattern, or use anything else you might have picked up throughout the year. It's up to you and what type of table you're setting.Serving platters tend to steal the show at the Thanksgiving table because they hold the precious goods: that turkey. You can use serving platters for a variety of sides, as well, which help to make a table not quite as stuffed with just casserole dishes. If you're in the market for a new serving platter or two (or three), there are so many different ones to choose from depending on your taste. Whether you want neutral or bright, classic or modern, you can undoubtedly find what you want. Here are some of our favorite Thanksgiving serving platters to have on the table this year.