This is What Your Favorite Thanksgiving Pie Says About You

You can tell a lot about a person based on their favorite pie.

Thanksgiving pies are something we can all get behind. Sweet and substantial, the desserts of the season remind us of childhood, happy holidays, and family gathered together around a table. Not just any table, though—this table is filled with the best flavors the South has to offer. At this holiday gathering, there are plenty of different personalities, all with their own dessert preferences. The beauty of Thanksgiving is that all off these different personalities gather together to celebrate (and eat pie). What does your favorite Thanksgiving pie say about you? Are you super sweet? A Southern classic? Let’s find out…

Apple Pie
No matter the time of year, you yearn for a good old American classic. You love the understated and the crowd-pleasing, and you know that apple pie never fails. With its buttery crust, flavorful apples, and subtle zing of spice, apple pie is perfect for your Thanksgiving table. If you love this pie, you also love the opportunity to celebrate thankfulness and relive beloved family traditions year after year.
Try a classic: Double Apple Pie with Cornmeal Crust
Try a new spin: Apple Butter Pie or Apple Upside Down Pie

Chiffon Pie
Ethereal and elegant, chiffon pie is the pinnacle of out-of-this-world flavor and fluffy, airy texture. If chiffon pie is your favorite, you know how to make any day extra-special, and on Thanksgiving, your dessert spread is the envy of the neighborhood. You aren’t afraid to embrace fancy touches to your Thanksgiving menu and your holiday decorating. All year, your home is gorgeous, but on this holiday, it is truly lovely.
Try a classic: Orange Chiffon Cake with Orange Icebox Pie Filling
Try a new spin: Coconut-Pumpkin Chiffon Pie

Fudge Pie
Chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate. If this is your go-to Thanksgiving dessert, you aren’t afraid to indulge and celebrate—and what better time of year to do it? You love chocolate in all its many forms, but you appreciate something special, something out of the ordinary that will remind you and your family to savor moments spent together. Fudge pie will do the trick. It’s a gorgeous deployment of fudgy chocolate, flaky crust, and cool ice cream (which is always the perfect topper for a pie this decadent).
Try a classic: Fudge Pie
Try a new spin: Mississippi Mud S’mores-Fudge Pie

Lemon Icebox Pie
This is an unexpected addition to the Thanksgiving dessert spread, but it’s always a favorite. If this is the Thanksgiving pie of your dreams, you aren’t afraid to buck convention, and you enjoy creating new holiday traditions for you and your family. You love creativity in the kitchen, and you see the endless potential for new classics and fun spins on family favorites.
Try a classic: Zesty Lemon Pie
Try a new spin: Lemon-Mascarpone Icebox Tarts

Pecan Pie
A true Southern staple, pecan pie is a satisfying combination of textures and flavors. It’s sweet and chewy, and the pecan always takes center stage. Whether you spent hours cracking pecans in your kitchen or bought a bag from the grocery store, you value place—where you live, where you grow, and the land that nourishes you. If pecan pie is your favorite, you also love the special, nutty moments in life—a good laugh, a great story—and you value a sweet center above all.
Try a classic: Utterly Deadly Southern Pecan Pie
Try a new spin: Salted Caramel-Chocolate Pecan Pie

Pumpkin Pie
This is your favorite holiday, isn’t it? Pumpkin pie is the classic of all classics at this time of year. If pumpkin pie is your go-to, you likely look forward to Thanksgiving all year long. Your home is decked out in its Thanksgiving best, and you take advantage of the pumpkin—in your kitchen, around your home, on your front steps—and enjoy the season and its festive trappings for as long as possible (certainly well into December).
Try a classic: Our Easiest Pumpkin Pie Ever
Try a new spin: Pumpkin-Pecan Streusel Pie or Pumpkin Pie Spectacular

Related: What's the Difference Between Canned Pumpkin and Pumpkin Pie Filling?

Sweet Potato Pie
Is sweet potato your favorite pie? If so, you are as Southern as can be. Sweet potato pie is a delicious, creamy alchemy of some of the loveliest Southern flavors. Vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, and the hearty sweet potato create an unforgettable pie that is as autumnal as it is holiday ready. There’s a touch of nostalgia and an infusion of warmth to this pie and to the people who love it. It is a welcome sight at holiday gatherings, and so are you.
Try a classic: Sliced Sweet Potato Pie
Try a new spin: Sweet Potato Pie with Marshmallow Meringue or Sweet Potato-Buttermilk Pie

Didn’t see your favorite? It must be Key Lime Pie, then. Or maybe Butterscotch-Meringue Pie. Without a doubt, this is the season for pies, and we can’t wait to dig in. For more delicious recipes, explore the best Southern Living Thanksgiving pies, and try a new dessert this year.