Our Favorite Jewelry Designers Share the Significance of Their Favorite Charms

Jacquie Aiche of Jacquie Aiche
What is the significance of the charms you are wearing?I love wearing charms because they bring out my gypsy soul. I choose multicolor tourmaline because the rainbow of colors brings on the positive vibrations. These stones give my emotions a boost to clear any dark energy that might be hanging around me.What are your favorite charms in your collection? I've always loved the energy from old coins and thought they would be a great addition to the collection. They're so rare, authentic, and such a piece of history. I'm using Afghani, Egyptian, and Roman coins. What was the first charm you ever bought? The first charm I ever bought was an angel that I wanted to have for protection. I was so inspired by the idea of protective charms that I ended up designing a collection of amulets, which are now a permanent part of my line. These amulets—the Blesslev collection—are meant to bring powers of joy, protection, and healing to the wearer. (Media Platforms Design Team)

While still thoroughly sentimental, the trusted charm has been getting a haute joaillerie makeover of late. To examine this phenomenon, we reached out to our favorite jewelry designers to see just what they're wearing on their own wrists, necks, ears, and ankles.