My New Favorite Dress Is Only $30 (!!!) on Amazon

Photo credit: Courtesy
Photo credit: Courtesy

From Cosmopolitan

When I'm not lounging around at home, decked out in a hoodie and sweatpants, I get the occasional spark of motivation to go on a virtual hunt for cute clothes that aren't just leggings and a crewneck. Emphasis on occasional. Although my current style is simply just anything comfy and loose, I will say I do love the sensation of slipping on a billowy dress, adding on a few accessories (if I'm feeling ambitious), and participating in a (socially distanced!) activity that doesn't just involve me, myself, and I.

A few weeks ago I felt said spark and quickly went on a search for some stylish pieces, where I found myself scrolling through the depths of Amazon's vast fashion section. (IYKYK, but just in case you don't, Amazon is loaded with a bunch of gorge, affordable clothes, and accessories.) From there, little did I know, I was trapped in a hole. A v deep and v fabulous hole that brought me to my new fave and holy grail dress—MITILLY's ruffled swing dress—that I've been lit-er-ally wearing all the time ever since it got delivered to my doorstep. Keep reading for more deets on why this dress is it.

It checks off all the boxes

It may sound too good to be true, but I'm serious. The polka dot design and the emerald green color combo hit that sweet spot between subtle and bold. Its slight V-neck and short-hemline show just the right amount of skin to wear on a night out, but it's still appropriate enough for a work Zoom meeting. Plus, the ruffled trim feels like an accessory in its own right! And because of that, I don't have to worry about completing the look with some jewelry or hair accessories. Oh, and this gem is also only 30 bucks. NBD.

Photo credit: Kelsey Mulvey
Photo credit: Kelsey Mulvey

It's, like, really freakin' comfortable

The polyester fabric feels so silky, and its roomy fit allows me to move and groove. If you're curious about sizing, FYI, I'm a solid medium. Though I will warn you, this dress does run a bit large because it's more of a loose-fitting type of ensemble. But you can easily give it a cinched fit by throwing on a belt of your choice!

It's super versatile

Did I mention it looks stunning with any type of shoe? Chunky combat boots, white sneakers, strappy sandals... You name it. No matter the occasion whether it's on the more casual side or you're making an appearance at a fahncy event, you can pull this beauty out and dress her up or down with whatever shoe you think goes.

It has pockets!!!

Ahem. You already know how key this is, but if you need a reminder, then here: You. Can. Hold. Things. In. There!!!! OK, maybe nothing heavy, but you can certainly put your hands in them and then do a twirl for your friends, whilst proclaiming proudly that this $30 Amazon dress has pockets!

*Sigh* My friends. After basically living in loungewear for over a year, it's easy to assume this is how it'll always be. And as the world slowly—and I mean verrry slowly—starts opening up again, I'm getting optimistic about putting together outfits and giving them the love they deserve. But quarantine or no quarantine, I'll be busting this timeless beauty out until I get alllll my wear out of it.

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