Our New Favorite Cookbook Is…for Dogs

You know what you’re making for dinner tonight—creamy sweet corn pappardelle, anyone? But do you know what Foxy the Chow Chow is having? If the answer is “a boring bowl of kibble,” then it might be time to consider an upgrade. And that’s exactly what Liviana Prola’s cookbook will help you do.

Feed Me: 50 Home-Cooked Meals for Your Dog is a delightful cookbook…but for your dog! Filled with 50 easy-to-follow recipes for nutritious and quick-to-prepare meals, Prola’s instructions are adjustable for dogs of different weights, sizes, breeds and activity levels. Plus, it’s beautifully art directed with illustrations by Kevin Waldron, who expertly captures the goofy moments and playful qualities we love most about our dogs. (Instructional? Check. Aesthetically pleasing? Check check.)

But Feed Me is more than a cute gimmick: It guides you through all those questions you’ve had about your dog’s diet, like portion sizes for different breeds, feeding multi-dog households; information on vitamin supplements that will keep dogs healthy and happy; and a varied selection of recipes to batch-cook and freeze, because, let’s be honest, you barely have time to cook dinner for yourself every night of the week.

So, what kind of recipes are we talking about? Think: carrot risotto with seared beef, pasta with soybeans and crispy apples, quinoa with squash and lamb ragu. Mmm.

And as delicious as these hearty entrées sound, there’s also some real nutrition behind them. Prola, a research scientist at the Department of Veterinary Science at Turin University, Italy, knows her stuff when it comes to two things: dogs and food. She’s also a doctor of veterinary science, has a PhD in animal nutrition, is a diplomat at the European College of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition, runs a pet nutrition consultancy service and is president of the Italian Society of Animal Nutrition. Woof.

Somewhere between all those responsibilities, she also makes dog food that we’d want to order on a human menu.

If you’re interested in whipping up some delish recipes for your beloved pet, make sure to consult your veterinarian on the best way to gradually transition diets so you don’t upset your dog’s stomach and make sure these recipes are right for your four-legged family member.

Bon appétit!

Buy the book ($16)

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