'Father of the Bride' Budget Woes That Will Make You Cry With Laughter

'Father of the Bride' Budget Woes That Will Make You Cry With Laughter

With Steve Martin’s witty one-liners and emotional reflections all wrapped into one movie, it’s easy to understand why Father of the Bride is a classic. Since George Banks footed the bill for Annie’s 1990’s backyard affair, though, the average cost of a wedding has skyrocketed, making George’s budget-shocked shrieks more relatable than ever. If you’ve recently thrown a wedding, be ready for the film’s heartwarming and hilarious situations to make you belly laugh like never before.

Annie: Do you like it Dad?
George: Well, what is that? Is that dollars? $1,200?
Franck: Well, Mr. Banks. This is a very reasonable price for a cake of this magnitude.
George: A cake, Franck, is made of flour and water. My first car didn't cost $1,200.
Franck: Well, welcome to the nineties, Mr. Banks!


Howard: Well, everything from the flowers, to the honeymoon limo...
George: Ok, everything. How much?
Howard: [cutting out] - dred and - ifty a -ead.
George: You're breaking up. It sounded like you said 150 a head.
Howard: No, no!
George: Good. I was about to kill myself.
Howard: It's 250 a head.


George: Two hundred and fifty dollars a head means that for the four of us to attend this wedding in our own home will cost one thousand dollars. Therefore, we are not getting up from this table until we cut this list down to the bare minimum. Now, invite as many people as you want to the church. Pack 'em in. Build a grandstand if you want, but we are not having more than one hundred and fifty people in this house on the day of the wedding. All right, let's start eliminating.
Nina: Okay. Jim Pepper and wife.
George: Oh, great. Start with one of my guys.


WATCH: 5 Ways to Cut Wedding Costs

Matt: I only invited one person: Cameron. Mom said I could have a friend there.
George: For two hundred and fifty bucks you can see Cameron after the wedding.


Franck: Now, Mr. Banks, please, about the seafood. Hanck wants to know if it's okay or not to cook.
George: No Franck. Tell Hanck it's not okay. If I have to move out all the furniture and add amps and repaint the walls and get a new tux and pay for swans, then I'd like the cheaper chicken. Is that clear?


Matt: Can I put Cameron back on the list if he promises not to eat?
George: You know, that's not a bad idea. Who else can we ask not to eat? My parents and your mother.
Annie: Why don't we just charge people? That way we can make money on the wedding?


What? What's that face?

It's nothing.

Oh, this is going cost you more money.

No. It's just... I know I'll remember this moment, for the rest of my life.