Fat Tire Beer Opens Applications For Cycling Non-Profit Grants

New Belgium Brewing has officially opened the 2024 applications for their Cycling Advocacy grant program. The program is designed to help out 501(c)3 nonprofits that promote "bicycle equity and access, safety education, and transportation justice"

Take a look at New Belgium's announcement below.

The program is giving out grants ranging from $500 to $5,000 and they have a relatively straightforward set of criteria. Take a look at the eligibility qualifications right here.

"We are looking to fund:

  • Projects that break down barriers and foster support for riders

  • Projects that focus on increasing daily ridership

  • Projects that promote bicycle accessibility in communities facing historical and systemic inequities

  • We prioritize funding for grassroots level organizations rooted in the communities they serve

  • We prioritize funding for organizations with senior staff and/or board leadership positions held by individuals from the communities the organization serves

  • We do not prioritize funding for adaptive mobility equipment. This is not a reflection on the value of the adaptive cycling organizations and programs. It only indicates our grant funds are limited."

It is cool to see a large company looking to give back to the cycling world like this, we are excited to see what sort of projects come from this grant program in 2024.

If you are interested in applying or have more questions, you can find the official application page here or you can email New Belgium here.

Related: Santa Cruz Gives Away Its First PayDirt Grants

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