Farmer Is in Disbelief After Finding Jersey Cow Stuck in the Weirdest Place

Working with animals is a hoot — well, sometimes. Other times you have to shake your head at how positively silly they can be. Like one farmer, who was incredulous at the place where he found his lost Jersey cow.

Something tells us that this has happened to the man, Monty, before, because he didn't seem scared at all.

In fact, as the video shows, it seems like he was practically rolling his eyes when he found the Jersey cow lodged between two trees.

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"I know you didn't do that," the man said to the cow as he walked over. "Oh, you're actually stuck, huh?" he added. "You're like stuck-stuck," he added.

The sighs that Monty released really said it all.

"How did you do this? Why would you do that?" he asked. He sounded like every exasperated parent who's caught their child doing something wrong.

Thankfully, he later wrote that he did manage to get the cow free. But for a minute there we have to imagine the poor animal was really in a bind.

People online felt for the cow, but had to admit it was sort of funny. "She's like 'father help,'" joked one commenter. "This was itching a scratch before she got stuck I swear lol," another person suggested. "Look at those eyes, sorry dad," a third person added. "This is the first cow I’ve seen actually sorry for getting stuck," chimed in someone else.

Types of Dairy Cows

Jersey cows are just one type of dairy cows popular with farmers. Their milk is often used for foods high in butterfat, like ice cream. There are other types of dairy cows out there. Here are just a few that you might see on the typical dairy farm in the United States.

Holsteins are a breed that many dairy farmers favor and have those classic black-and-white spotted coats.

Brown Swiss cows are one of the oldest milk cows or dairy cow breeds.

A brown or fawn Guernsey are medium sized diary cows that produce golden milk because of a high percentage of beta carotene. Their milk contains lots of butterfat and protein too.

Ayrshire cows are known for their extra-long horns. These horns can reach over a foot in length and are usually curved.

Any of these cows are liable to get into trouble. Let's just hope all these guys stay far, far away from any trees.

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