Fareedah Shaheed is an online safety educator who teaches parents how to cultivate healthy digital relationships with their kids

As a teenager, Fareedah Shaheed often found herself in online chatrooms as the only Black, Muslim woman. Recognizing the lack of representation in these digital communities, she founded Sekuva to help parents & kids establish a safety-first mindset online

Video Transcript

FAREEDAH SHAHEED: Cybersecurity is for everyone.

Three, two, one, action.

Hey. My name is Fareedah Shaheed. I'm an online safety educator. Today, I'm going to tell you the number one tip to protecting your kids on online gaming, or honestly any other platform.

I am the founder and CEO of Sekuva. We teach parents how to protect their kids online through videos, tips, modules and discussions.

The Safe Kids Movement is an all-in-one resource center for parents to build closer relationships with their kids, cultivate a safe environment for their kids, and learn online safety and security.

The biggest thing I believe is connections over controls. So while parental controls and parental monitoring may have a place, you don't want that to be the focus. The focus should be building a connection. So an example of building a connection is playing a game with your kids, or if your kid really loves a social media account, then following it and connecting with them on it. So you're harmonizing between the joy and freedom that they want and the safety and security that they need.

Representation means so much, but it's so hard to put into words what it means because it's a feeling that you get. I hope that there is a little Black girl watching this video, and she sees and hears that she can do it, too.