Fantasy Mountain Bike Website Goes Live

Watching sports with something on the line makes them more interesting. The popularity of fantasy sports demonstrates this.

Excitingly, fantasy mountain biking is now live, thanks to The Race Companion. See the announcement of the league below.

The Race Companion is a project from Olly Wilkins and Davi Birks of the popular Ride Companion Podcast.

After the website Pinkbike discontinued their fantasy leagues in 2023, there was disappointment from committed fans. Many liked keeping up with racing to watch over how their riders were doing.

The Race Companion is going live for Crankworx Rotorua in both Slopestyle and Downhill which kicks off March 18th. For the Crankworx competitions, scoring will be done using a multiplier that multiplies racers' points. The less accomplished the racer, the higher the multiplier. Getting an up-and-comer with a high multiplier is the best way to score well. Find out more on their website.

In addition to competing against everyone in the world, the Race Companion also lets users create their own league to compete with their friends. Fun stuff!

Related: Podcasters Launch Fantasy Mountain Bike Website

Perhaps the return of fantasy will drum up interest in a sport that definitely needs it. Enduro especially is in a tough place due in part to not being easy to package for fans. Adding stakes can certainly drive interest.

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