Fans Slam Britney Spears for Forgetting Where She Is During a Recent Concert

Photo credit: Image Group LA - Getty Images
Photo credit: Image Group LA - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Britney Spears, blessed be her name, was recently in ye olde England gifting our friends across the pond with her glorious presence, when she accidentally made the cringe-y mistake of forgetting where she was.

Basically, Godney said "How you feeling Birmingham?" even though she was definitely in Blackpool-and despite correcting herself by being all "I MEAN BLACKPOOL," fans were unimpressed. Behold, a chorus of booos (mixed with some applause, to be fair!) that Britney certainly doesn't deserve.

E! did some very important research and discovered that Birmingham and Blackpool are, according to Google Maps, just 125 miles away from each other, so can you really blame Britney for being confused? The answer is no, you cannot! But some fans are "hurt."

Fortunately, this person gets it so let's give them the last word:

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