Fans Flip Out at Aaron and Genevieve Sitting Together During ‘Bachelor’ Finale

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Last night’s Bachelor was truly just deranged plot twist after plot twist, and on top of everything else, producers decided to casually seat Genevieve Parisi and Aaron Clancy next to each other with Shanae Ankney siting a few rows away. You know! Just to see what happened, I guess!!!!

And while this absolutely chaotic grouping was mostly in the background of the show with just a few casual camera pans, Bachelor Nation noticed. Like, to the point where Genevieve’s name was trending on Twitter for a minute.

In case you have no idea why this seating arrangement is a truly unhinged move on the part of producers, quick reminder that Shanae falsely accused Genevieve of trying to sleep with Aaron on the “Women Tell All” special. As she put it, “And then when you get eliminated, you go home and f*ck Aaron from Katie’s season.”

Genevieve shut Shanae down during the episode by responding, “This is mind-blowing, I met him at a bar, I didn’t kiss him” and then she went ahead and accused Shanae of sliding into Aaron’s DMs. “He goes, ‘Is she really this bad?’ And sent me a screenshot of all of your hearts replying to his messages. He thinks you’re crazy, so stop.”

Oh, and also Genevieve gave a whole interview to Entertainment Tonight about the situation and said, “The comment of me and Aaron...I mean, I can’t even begin to explain how ridiculous that is. I don’t even know.”

So yeah, with that in mind, last night’s Aaron + Genevieve + Shanae seating arrangement was truly on another level of “Bachelor producers attempt to create drama for literally no reason during an already wild episode of television.” They’ve outdone themselves. It’s all downhill from here, etc.

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