Fans Are Confused by Millie Bobby Brown’s Florence by Mills Face Washing Routine Video

Updated on September 12 at 12:35 p.m.

Millie Bobby Brown has responded to criticism of her face washing routine video. In an Instagram post, she said, "I'm still learning the best way to share my routines as I get to know this space better — I'm not an expert. I thought doing a quick video replicating my personal process for that night was okay, but that's not what was conveyed. I understand, I appreciate all your feedback on this journey, please keeping sharing your thoughts and i will too!"


When it comes to a daily face washing routine, we all have our tried and true methods. Deciding on the cleanser and choice of moisturizer remains an individual choice, but the way you should actually wash your face, that's about settled, which is why a clip of Millie Bobby Brown washing her face has raised a few eyebrows.

The Stranger Things star recently unveiled her Florence By Mills beauty brand, and to celebrate, she shared a video of her testing out some of the products, Buzzfeed pointed out. Commentators on YouTube have since pointed out a few amusing inconsistencies with the video, noting that it appears as if she doesn't really use the products and that her makeup remains intact after reportedly washing her face.

For the video, MBB does walk viewers through a step-by-step of a nighttime face washing routine, but not everyone is convinced she's really using anything during the two-minute clip. "She literally didn't apply anything," one person alleged. "If she was actually applying something then all her makeup would be smudging and coming off." Another agreed, writing, "This is so weird, and not expected from MBB... the mist didn't touch her face, you can see where it goes in the light... she angled her hands when squeezing the bottle so that you can't see the (non-existent) cream... and when she squeezed the last bottle, it completely collapsed, further proving there's nothing in them... why would you even bother??"

Millie has not responded to the criticism, but this isn't the first time that a celeb's cleansing routine has caused some Internet controversy. The video for Kylie Jenner's Kylie Skin routine raised some eyebrows among fans when it was released in May, as fans accused the star of not using the products and of only washing her face for seconds. Kim Kardashian-West later defended her sister, saying, "So, guys, what is the big deal here with a 10-second video? That’s all she's got."

Sure, MBB's video may have resulted in a few laughs and questions from fans, but however she decides to wash her face will ultimately remain up to her. There's no telling if time limits or IRL commitments may have played a role in her decision to use the products as she did for the clip, and while it definitely raised a few eyebrows with viewers at home, the star has done her makeup homework and she wants fans, and herself, to enjoy the line as they see fit.

Teen Vogue has reached out to Florence by Mills for comment.

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Originally Appeared on Teen Vogue