A Fan Broke Royal Protocol in Front of Prince William and Kate Middleton But They Were Super Chill

Photo credit: Karwai Tang - Getty Images
Photo credit: Karwai Tang - Getty Images

Kate Middleton and Prince William spent yesterday chilling in Wales on a mini royal tour, and spent some time at Country Fare Wholefoods and Fine Cheeses. Which, side note, sounds like a delightful establishment that I'd very much enjoy.

Anyway, the royal couple met Country Fare Wholefoods and Fine Cheeses' Nicky Hurst (she was at the cheese stand), and she accidentally broke royal protocol by calling them "Kate and Will." You know, instead of the more proper/official "your royal highness" or even Sir / Ma'am. But apparently the Duke and Duchess were super chill about it, and had no problem with the informal address.

Photo credit: BEN BIRCHALL - Getty Images
Photo credit: BEN BIRCHALL - Getty Images

"They are lovely," Nicky Hurst told People. "I wasn't sure what they'd be like and what to call them in terms of their titles. I called them 'Kate' and 'Will,' and they were really relaxed." Nicky then asked William about his favorite cheese and this wholesome encouter happened:

"I asked William what his favorite was, and he said he liked a really rare Swiss cheese called Kaltbach. And I said, 'Here's some!' He was really surprised and said, 'I didn't expect you to have that!' "

Kate and William weren't joined by their children on the trip, but they did chat about them to locals at the market, saying "The children are very well, thank you. They are always asking us where we are going. And we show them where we are on the map."

Video: 10 times Kate Middleton dresses like Princess Diana

Cuuuute. Also, in case you missed it, Prince George did recently join his parents for a rugby outing:

Photo credit: ALBERTO PEZZALI - Getty Images
Photo credit: ALBERTO PEZZALI - Getty Images

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