Famous Ice Cream Shop Employees, Part 1: Julia Louis-Dreyfus

This week, Yahoo Food is celebrating America’s favorite dessert with a series of profiles, recipes and photo galleries all dedicated to the creamy, delicious dessert. Check out ourIce Cream page for complete coverage!

Julia Louis-Dreyfus mugs for the camera with Jerry Seinfeld. (Photo: Getty Images)

You never know who that kid dishing up your two scoops of chocolate might grow up to be. “Veep” and “Seinfeld” star Julia Louis-Dreyfus once worked behind the counter at a Swensen’s ice cream parlor in Washington, D.C.

A week after Yahoo Food asked our readers for stories about their first food jobs, we stumbled upon this story from Louis-Dreyfus. In the online series “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee,” she told former co-star Jerry Seinfeld that she was fired from her “ice cream scooper” job.

“The cash register ran out of tape and the drawer was open. I went to find somebody to help me,” she explained. “I sort of walked away with the register open. The manager, who I think was 18, but it seemed like he was 40, he came out and he says, ‘Do you have any idea what you just did wrong, young lady?’ I started crying so hard.”

“You cry a lot,” said Seinfeld.

Although the gig only lasted a week, it wasn’t a total loss, as she told Marie-Claire magazine. Scooping ice cream was a “great workout for the arms.”

Louis-Dreyfus made out better than the ice cream shop. According to Yelp, the D.C. Swensen’s is no longer in business.

More from Yahoo Food’s Ice Cream Nation series:

How Much Does America Love Ice Cream? We Have the Scoop

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