Family Rescues Dog Who Spent 5 Months in the Shelter and Her Reaction Is Everything

She's totally thriving in her new home.

TikTok user @lakenruthrealtor and family did what we think is the best way to end one year and start the other. They adopted a dog! Adopting a dog not only saves a dog's life, but it also brings in so much joy and happiness to the families. A win-win for everyone!

The dog this TikToker adopted actually spent 5 months in the shelter. Any time in a shelter is too long, but this, ugh. We can't imagine how sad this poor doggo was during those months. Although, after seeing her adjusting to her new home, we'd say she's doing just fine now!

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Aww! She fits right in with that family. Her eyes show how thankful she is to have her forever home. And she clearly loves them so much!

"She's beautiful!! So happy she has a loving home and family!!!" said @marcimundy. SAME! After 5 long months in a shelter, she deserves this more than anything. And we just know they're never going to stop loving her. "She's already fitting in and so happy," added @jgmc1510. It took her no time at all because she knew this family was something special!

Another TikTok user, @bonniehill491, wrote, "Thank you for saving her. You're an angel!!" Thank you times a million! Hopefully, this video shows how beautiful it is to adopt so more fur babies can be brought home!

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