Fall is a great time to plant trees and shrubs. Here are some tips for doing it right.

Trees and shrubs add beauty and value to a home’s landscape but if they are improperly planted they can bring headache and worry.

Properly planted trees and shrubs will establish quicker, be more tolerant of adverse conditions, and require less management than poorly planted ones.

Although container-grown and balled-and-burlapped plants can be planted year round, the best time to plant for ease of establishment is fall. Planting in the fall is best because the trees continue to develop root systems and become more established before the heat stress of the upcoming summer.

Before purchasing a tree or shrub it is important that you survey the planting site. Consider overhead power lines and underground utilities. Anticipate the full size of the plant when planting near buildings, driveways, and sidewalks. Avoid planting trees and shrubs too close to each other as they tend to become misshapen and less vigorous. Often, disease and insect problems can be avoided by selecting resistant varieties. Good species selection should be the most important process of planting a tree.

Decide if you are going to purchase large or small plants. Smaller plants typically live better, establish faster and are more economical.

Large plants give an instant landscape look but may suffer from water stress due to the fact that as much as 75% of the plant’s roots are left in the nursery during the digging process.

This is not a factor if you purchase trees and shrubs that are container-grown. These plants have limited transplant shock or water stress since all of their roots are in the container.

One disadvantage to container-grown trees and shrubs is the possibility of circling roots inside the container. If these roots are not untangled or cut before planting the plant may be slow to establish and even become girdled years later. Larger landscape plants are mainly harvested as balled-and-burlapped. As mentioned earlier, water will be crucial in helping these plants survive their root loss.

One advantage to balled-and-burlapped plants is that the planting medium is actual soil unlike the pine bark or other soil-less medium used in container plants. This will improve water movement around the soil rootball once it has been planted. Bare-root plants are another option when planting in the fall, winter, or early spring. Bare-root plants are the least expensive. Many species of trees are sold as bare-root; some large landscape-sized plants with two- to three-inch calipers are even available. The advantage to bare-root plants is that a greater portion of roots are retained at harvest.

After you have surveyed the site and selected your tree or shrub, it is time to plant. Dig planting holes two to three times wider than the rootball and the same depth. Most people cringe at the thought of having to dig such a wide hole. Although this is important, in our clay soils, planting depth is even more crucial. Disturbing the soil below the rootball will cause the plant to settle too deeply in the soil. The top of the root ball should be level or slightly higher than the soil surface to avoid problems associated with excessive moisture or suffocation of roots.

When planting container-grown plants be sure to remove the container and cut or loosen any circling roots. If a plant is severely pot-bound, use a knife to make vertical slices through the roots in several places to divide compacted roots. Balled-and-burlapped plants may be bound with natural or synthetic burlap.

Natural burlap is bio-degradable and need only to be removed from the top portion of the rootball, but synthetic burlap will not decompose and can girdle roots. If a wire basket is holding together natural burlap, remove it if possible, if not cut and fold down the top half of the basket. The roots of bare-root plants should be spread out and positioned with the top root just under the soil surface.

If your planting hole is too small, don’t break or bend the roots to make them fit. Take the time and enlarge your planting hole. In all planting types be sure to remove tags, wires, or ropes from the stems or trunk of plants.

Remember that “what comes out … goes back in” or in other words do not add organic matter to your backfill. Soil amendments in a clay soil hole cause roots to stay within the backfill and lead to circling, girdling roots or may cause the hole to retain too much moisture which can lead to rot. Use the existing hard, clay soil, breaking up any large clods, as backfill.

After planting, water the plant thoroughly and then weekly for the first year if there is insufficient rainfall. A good rule of thumb is one inch of water per week.

Staking is generally unnecessary and not recommended for most plants as it may slow growth and establishment. Staking should be done to large trees, those planted in windy locations, or large bare-root trees. Pruning should be restricted at planting to broken, injured, diseased, or dead branches or to correct poor structure. Do not prune plants to compensate for root loss. Trees and shrubs need their top growth to develop new replacement roots.

Finally, mulch with pine needles, compost, or shredded bark two to three inches deep around the plant to provide protection from string trimmers and to help prevent water loss.

Long-term tree health depends on good species selection and good planting practices. Taking time to plant properly will greatly increase your survival rate and provide shade and beauty for years to come.

P. Andrew Rideout is the UK Extension Agent for Horticulture and can be reached at pandrewrideout@uky.edu.

This article originally appeared on Evansville Courier & Press: What is the best way to plant a new shrub or tree?